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dc.contributor.advisorIsmayana, Andes-
dc.contributor.advisorAnggraeni, Elisa-
dc.contributor.authorPutri, Selvia Eka-
dc.description.abstractKTH Cibulao merupakan kelompok tani hutan di Kampung Cibulao, Desa Tugu Utara, Kecamatan Cisarua, Kabupaten Bogor, menjadi salah satu sentra produksi kopi berkualitas tinggi di Jawa Barat. Petani kopi di sana mampu menghasilkan rata-rata 400 kg kopi dalam tiga bulan dan saat musim panen raya, total hasil panen mencapai 3 ton per hektar. Dalam pengolahan kopi, kulit buah kopi menjadi hasil samping yang melimpah dan mencapai 41,2% dari bobot buah kopi yang diolah. Melihat pasar yang meningkat untuk produk berbasis penyegar seperti kopi dan teh, maka dirancang pembuatan produk berbasis kulit buah kopi kering seperti teh cascara, kombucha cascara, dan selai lembaran cascara. Perancangan produk tersebut memerlukan perhitungan perencanaan produksi, harga pokok produksi, dan harga jual. Perencanaan produksi didasarkan pada ketersediaan bahan baku di KTH Cibulao. Rancangan ini mengacu pada basis 40 kg kulit buah kopi kering sebagai bahan baku dengan hasil produksi yaitu 100 kemasan teh cascara berukuran 100 g, 267 kemasan teh cascara jar berukuran 30 g, 2133 botol kombucha cascara berukuran 250 mL, dan 700 pak selai lembaran cascara berisi 4 lembaran dengan ukuran 8 x 8 cm dan berat 96 g. Adapun harga jual untuk setiap produk adalah sebagai berikut: teh cascara kemasan 100 g seharga Rp27.000, teh cascara jar kemasan 30 g seharga Rp23.000, kombucha cascara seharga Rp20.000, dan selai lembaran cascara seharga Rp20.000. Rancangan desain ini memberikan nilai tambah sebesar 22,04% bagi petani kopi di KTH Cibulao dan 77,96% untuk TIN IPB University sebagai pengelola olahan produk. Dengan demikian, desain ini diharapkan dapat mendukung perekonomian petani dan memberikan manfaat bagi para pemangku kepentingan dalam pengolahan produk kulit buah
dc.description.abstractKTH Cibulao is a forest farmer group located in Kampung Cibulao, North Tugu Village, Cisarua District, Bogor Regency, and is one of the high-quality coffee production centers in West Java. Coffee farmers there are capable of producing an average of 4 quintals of coffee every three months, and during the peak harvest season, the total yield can reach 3 tons per hectare. In coffee processing, coffee peel become abundant by-products, constituting 41.2% of the processed coffee fruit's weight. Observing the growing market demand for refreshing products like coffee and tea, the design of products based on dried cherry coffee peel, such as cascara tea, cascara kombucha, and cascara jam, was formulated. The product design requires production planning, cost of production, and pricing calculations. The production planning is based on the availability of raw materials at KTH Cibulao. This design is based on 40 kg of dried cherry coffee peel-based as raw material, with the following production outputs 100 packages of cascara tea in 100 g size, 267 packages of cascara tea in 30 g size, 2133 bottles of cascara kombucha in 250 mL size, and 700 packs of cascara jam, each containing 4 sheets measuring 8 x 8 cm and weighing 96 g. The selling prices for each product are as follows cascara tea in 100 g packaging is priced at Rp27.000, cascara tea in 30 g packaging is priced at Rp23.000, cascara kombucha is priced at Rp20.000, and cascara jam is priced at Rp20.000. This design generates added value of 22.04% for coffee farmers in KTH Cibulao and 77.96% for TIN IPB University as the processed product manager. Hence, this design is expected to support the farmer’s economy and provide benefits for stakeholders involved in coffee cherry husk
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleAnalisis Biaya Produksi dalam Pengembangan Produk Berbasis Kulit Buah Kopi di KTH Cibulaoid
dc.title.alternativeCost Analysis of Cherry Coffee Peel-based Product Development at KTH Cibulaoid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordkulit buah kopiid
dc.subject.keywordnilai tambahid
dc.subject.keywordharga pokok produksiid
dc.subject.keywordperencanaan produksiid
dc.subject.keywordadded valueid
dc.subject.keywordcherry coffee peelid
dc.subject.keywordcost of productionid
Appears in Collections:UT - Agroindustrial Technology

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