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Title: Rancangan Peningkatan Kinerja dan Nilai Tambah dalam Rantai Pasok Beras di Modern Rice Milling Plant Perum BULOG Subang
Other Titles: Design for Performance Improvement and Value Addition in Rice Supply Chain at Modern Rice Milling Plant Perum BULOG Subang
Authors: Marimin
Bantacut, Tajuddin
Harahap, Satria Syaputra
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Modern Rice Milling Plant (MRMP) Subang merupakan perusahaan penggilingan padi yang mulai beroperasi pada bulan Oktober tahun 2022 sehingga belum pernah melakukan identifikasi terhadap kondisi rantai pasoknya. Proyek desain utama ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi situasional, kinerja, dan nilai tambah rantai pasok beras, merumuskan strategi peningkatan kinerja dan nilai tambah rantai pasok beras dan merancang ulang model rantai pasok baru. Analisis situasional rantai pasok menggunakan pendekatan Food Supply Chain Management (FSCM). Analisis kinerja rantai pasok menggunakan metode Supply Chain Operations Reference Digital Standard (SCOR DS). Nilai kinerja rantai pasok pada MRMP Subang dan mitra penyalur berturut-turut adalah 76,85% dan 68,54%. Nilai tambah dianalisis menggunakan metode hayami dan didapatkan nilai tambah sebesar Rp843.000/ton Gabah Kering Panen (GKP) atau sebesar 12,41%. Kinerja dan nilai tambah rantai pasok beras dapat ditingkatkan menggunakan model Analytical Network Process (ANP).Strategi peningkatan kinerja dan nilai tambah terpilih adalah penerapan sistem perencanaan produksi dan penerapan sistem jaminan mutu yang dimasukkan pada rancangan model rantai pasok yang baru.
Modern Rice Milling Plant (MRMP) Subang is a rice milling company that started operations in October 2022 and has never identified its supply chain conditions. This major design project aims to identify the rice supply chain's situational, performance, and added value, formulate strategies to improve the performance and added value of the rice supply chain, and redesign a new supply chain model. The situational analysis of the supply chain used the Food Supply Chain Management (FSCM) approach. Supply chain performance analysis using the Supply Chain Operations Reference Digital Standard (SCOR DS) method. The supply chain performance scores for Subang MRMP and supply partners were 76.85% and 68.54%, respectively. The added value was analyzed using the Hayami method and obtained an added value of IDR 843,000/ton of Harvested Dry Grain (GKP) or 12.41%. The performance and value-added of the rice supply chain can be improved using the Analytical Network Process (ANP) model. The selected performance improvement and value-added strategies are the implementation of a production planning system and a quality assurance system incorporated in the design of the new supply chain model.
Appears in Collections:UT - Agroindustrial Technology

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