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Title: Identifikasi Senyawa Bioaktif Lendir Hemiplecta humphreysiana Lea, 1840 serta Potensinya secara In Silico sebagai Inhibitor Tirosinase dan Elastase
Other Titles: Identification of Bioactive Compounds of Hemiplecta humphreysiana Lea, 1840 Mucus and Its Potential as An Inhibitors of Tyrosinase and Elastase In Silico
Authors: Purwanto, Ukhradiya Magharaniq Safira
Ferdian, Pamungkas Rizki
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Lendir dari beberapa spesies keong telah diketahui bioaktivitasnya sebagai anti-tirosinase dan anti-elastase. Namun, keong darat spesies Hemiplecta humphreysiana Lea, 1840 native Indonesia belum diketahui potensi bioaktivitasnya sebagai inhibitor tirosinase dan elastase. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi senyawa bioaktif lendir H. humphreysiana Lea, 1840 serta memprediksi bioaktivitasnya sebagai inhibitor tirosinase dan elastase secara in silico. Metode penelitian meliputi produksi lendir keong, identifikasi senyawa bioaktif dengan instrumen UPLC-MS/MS, preparasi ligan dan reseptor, validasi penambatan molekuler, penambatan molekuler dengan Autodock Vina, visualisasi dan analisis interaksi molekul, serta prediksi bioavailabilitas dan toksisitas ligan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan dari 34 senyawa bioaktif lendir H. humphreysiana Lea, 1840 hasil analisis UPLC-MS/MS, terdapat 12 dan 11 senyawa masing-masing berpotensi menginhibisi tirosinase dan elastase. Indoleacrylic acid dan withanone masing-masing merupakan senyawa potensial terbaik sebagai inhibitor tirosinase dan elastase
Mucus from several species of snails has been known to have bioactivies as anti-tyrosinase and anti-elastase. However, the land snail species Hemiplecta humphreysiana Lea, 1840, a native Indonesian snail, is not yet known for its potential bioactivity as a tyrosinase and elastase inhibitors. This study aimed to identify bioactive compounds in the H. humphreysiana Lea, 1840 mucus and to predict their bioactivities as tyrosinase and elastase inhibitors in silico. Research methods included production of snail mucus, identification of bioactive compounds using UPLC-MS/MS instrument, ligand and receptors preparation, validation of molecular docking, molecular docking with Autodock Vina, visualization and molecular interaction analysis, followed by bioavailability and toxicity ligand prediction. The results showed out of 34 bioactive compounds in the H. humphreysiana Lea, 1840 mucus from UPLC-MS/MS analysis, are respectively 13 and 12 potential tyrosinase and elastase inhibitors compounds. Indoleacrylic acid and withanone, respectively, are the best potential compounds as tyrosinase and elastase inhibitors
Appears in Collections:UT - Biochemistry

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