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Other Titles: Competitiveness Of Indonesian Clove Exports In The International Market.
Authors: Tinaprilla, Netti
Wahdiana, Erna
Issue Date: 11-Aug-2023
Abstract: RINGKASAN ERNA WAHDIANA. Daya Saing Ekspor Cengkeh Indonesia di Pasar Internasional. Dibimbing oleh NETTI TINAPRILLA dan HARMINI. Pandemic Covid-19 berdampak ke berbagai aspek termasuk aspek ekonomi. Cengkeh merupakan tanaman yang memiliki kontribus terhadap ekonomi Indonesia. Pembatasan akses yang disebabkan pandemic Covid 19 berkemungkinan memiliki pengaruh terhadap ekspor cengkeh Indonesia. Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan yaitu 1) Untuk menganalisis bagaimana dampak Covid-19 terhadap daya saing ekspor cengkeh di Indonesia, 2) Untuk menganilisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kinerja ekspor cengkeh di Indonesia. Data yag digunakan meggunakan data time series dari tahun 2010 sampai dengan 2022 yang diperoleh dari UN Comtrade, BPS dan Dinas Perkebunan. Metode analisis data yang digunakan yaitu metode kuantitatif. Untuk menganalisis daya saing cengkeh dipasar dunia dilakukan dengan alat analisis Revealed Comparatif Advantages (RCA), sedangkan untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi ekspor cengkeh menggunakan analisis Gravity Model. Data diproses menggunakan aplikasi Software Eviews 9. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Tren yang dimiliki komoditi cengkeh Indonesia pada pasar internasional berfluktuatif namun cenderung naik. RCA Indonesia bersifat positif dengan rata- rata 13,38 atau >1 artinya cengkeh Indonesia berdaya saing. Data perkembangan RCA berdasarkan lima negara tujuan dapat dilihat bahwa Vietnam setiap tahunnya lebih unggul dibandingkan dengan empat negara lainnya. Faktor yang mempengaruhi ekspor cengkeh secara negatif yaitu harga domestik -0.934478 artinya setiap kenaikan harga domestik maka ekspor cengkeh akan turun sebesar 0.934478 ton, jarak ekonomi memiliki koefisien -0.020657 artinya setiap penambahan jarak negara ekspor 1 % maka akan menurunkan ekspor cengkeh sebesar 0.020657 % dan harga ekspor memiliki nilai koefisien -0.606691 artinya setiap kenaikan harga ekspor cengkeh indonesia naik sebesar 1% maka akan menurunkan permintaan volume ekspor sebesar 0.606691 %. Faktor yang berpengaruh positif adalah PDB Indonesia, PDB negara tujuan, populasi, pandemi covid dan produksi. Artinya setiap peningkatan 1% akan mempengaruhi kenaikan sebanyak angka koefisien. Pandemi covid berpengaruh positif tetapi tidak signifikan artinya adanya pandemi covid tidak berdampak terhadap kinerja ekspor cengkeh Indonesia. Kata kunci : cengkeh, daya saing ,ekspor, pandemi covid-19
SUMMARY ERNA WAHDIANA. Competitiveness Of Indonesian Clove Exports In The International Market. Giuded by NETTI TINAPRILLA and HARMINI. The Covid-19 pandemic has had an impact on various aspects including the economic aspect. Cloves are plants that contribute to the Indonesian economy. Access restrictions caused by the Covid 19 pandemic are likely to have an impact on Indonesia's clove exports. This research has the following objectives: 1) To analyze the impact of Covid-19 on the competitiveness of clove exports in Indonesia, 2) To analyze the factors that affected the performance of clove exports in Indonesia. The data used uses time series data from 2010 to 2022 obtained from UN Comtrade, BPS and the Department of Plantations. The data analysis method used is the quantitative method. To analyze the competitiveness of cloves in the world market, Revealed Comparative Advantages (RCA) analysis was carried out, while to analyze the factors affecting clove exports, Gravity Model analysis was used. The data was processed using the Eviews 9 Software application. The results showed that the trend of Indonesian clove commodities on the international market fluctuated but tended to increase. Indonesia's RCA is positive with an average of 13.38 or > 1, meaning that Indonesian cloves are competitive. RCA development data based on the goals of the five countries can be seen that Vietnam is superior every year compared to the other four countries. Factors that negatively affect clove exports are domestic prices -0.934478 meaning that every increase in domestic prices clove exports will decrease by 0.934478 %, economic distance has a coefficient of -0.020657 meaning that every 1% increase in the distance of export countries will reduce clove exports by 0.020657 % and the price exports have a coefficient value of -0.606691 meaning that every increase in the price of Indonesian clove exports increases by 1%, it will reduce the demand for export volume by 0.606691 %. Factors that have a positive effect are Indonesia's GDP, destination country's GDP, population, the covid pandemic and production. This means that every 1% increase will affect the increase as much as the number coefficient. The covid pandemic had a positive but insignificant effect, meaning that the presence of the covid pandemic had no impact on the performance of Indonesian clove exports. Keywords: clove, export, competitiveness, pandemic covid 19
Appears in Collections:MT - Economic and Management

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