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Title: Perbandingan Pendapatan dan Pemasaran Petani Mitra dan Non-Mitra Koperasi Pesantren Alif (Al-Ittifaq), Kabupaten Bandung
Other Titles: Comparison of Income and Marketing of Cooperative Farmers Partners and Non-Partners of Alif (Al-Ittifaq) Cooperative, Bandung Regency
Authors: Hidayat, Nia Kurniawati
Aurelia, Yiesha
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Salah satu kendala yang dihadapi petani wortel di Desa Alamendah adalah rendahnya harga jual yang diterima petani. Petani mitra Koperasi Pesantren (Kopontren) Alif (Al-Ittifaq) yang terletak di Kecamatan Rancabali menyediakan saluran pemasaran ke supermarket-supermarket besar sehingga petani berpotensi menerima harga yang diterima yang lebih tinggi, tetapi masih ada petani wortel di sekitar wilayah koperasi yang tidak bermitra. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menganalisis perbedaan pendapatan petani mitra dan non-mitra dengan menggunakan analisis R/C ratio dan uji beda Independent Sample t-test serta perbedaan efisiensi pemasaran dengan analisis marjin pemasaran, farmer’s share, dan rasio keuntungan terhadap biaya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat perbedaan rata-rata pendapatan atas biaya total antara petani mitra dan non-mitra. Dari saluran pemasaran yang terbentuk oleh pemasaran wortel yang dilakukan petani mitra dan non-mitra, saluran pemasaran yang paling efisien untuk petani adalah saluran pemasaran yang dilakukan oleh petani non-mitra, yaitu saluran pemasaran yang terdiri dari tengkulak, pedagang besar, dan pedagang pengecer.
One of the obstacles faced by carrot farmers in Alamendah Village is the low selling price received by farmers. Alif Islamic Boarding School Cooperative (Kopontren) partner farmers (Al-Ittifaq) located in Rancabali District provide marketing channels to large supermarkets so that farmers have the potential to receive higher prices, but there are still carrot farmers around the cooperative area who are not partners. This research was conducted to analyze the differences in the income of partner farmers and non-partners by using R/C ratio analysis and Independent Sample t-test as well as differences in marketing efficiency using marketing margin analysis, farmer's share, and profit to cost ratio. The results showed that there were differences in the average income over total costs between partner and non-partner farmers. Of the marketing channels formed by the marketing of carrots by partner and non-partner farmers, the most efficient marketing channel for farmers is the marketing channel by non-partner farmers, namely marketing channels consisting of middlemen, wholesalers, and retailers.
Appears in Collections:UT - Resources and Environmental Economic

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