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Title: Kaitan Karakteristik Sifat Fisik Tanah dan Curah Hujan terhadap Produktivitas Kelapa Sawit pada Oksisol, Ultisol, Inseptisol
Other Titles: Relation Between Characteristics of Soil Physical Properties, Rainfall and Oil Palm Productivity in Oxisols, Ultisols, Inceptisols
Authors: Wahjunie, Enni Dwi
Tarigan, Suria Darma
Pasaribu, Naro Pandapotan
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: IPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
Abstract: Tanah sebagai media tumbuh perakaran tanaman diharapkan dapat memberikan kondisi yang mendukung tumbuh kembang akar. Jenis tanah yang berbeda memiliki kadar bahan organik, ketersediaan air dan aerasi yang berbeda, yang pada akhirnya akan mempengaruhi produktivitas tanaman. Curah hujan adalah salah satu faktor iklim yang penting dalam produksi kelapa sawit. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengkaji karakteristik sifat fisika Oksisol, Ultisol dan Inseptisol pada berbagai bidang pengelolaan tanah di perkebunan kelapa sawit, mengkaji hubungan antara sifat fisika tanah dengan potensi ketersediaan air, dan mengkaji hubungan antara curah hujan, defisit air dan sifat-sifat fisik tanah terhadap produktivitas kelapa sawit. Penelitian dilakukan di Malingping, Lebak dengan jenis tanah Oksisol, Jasinga, Bogor dengan jenis tanah Ultisol, dan Rancabungur, Bogor dengan jenis tanah Inseptisol dengan tahun tanam (TT) 2005 (Rancabungur, dan Malingping) dan TT 2009 (Jasinga dan Malingping). Contoh tanah diambil pada kedalaman 0-30 cm dan 30-60 cm dengan masing-masing tiga ulangan di tiap bidang pengelolaan tanah dari tiap jenis tanah. Analisis sifat fisika tanah terdiri dari: tekstur, bobot isi, berat jenis partikel, kadar air berbagai pF, permeabilitas tanah dan sifat kimia tanah berupa kandungan bahan organik tanah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tekstur tanah dengan klei tertinggi dijumpai pada Ultisol (65,3%), dan yang terendah pada Inseptisol (37,7%). Sifat sifat fisik tanah antar pengelolaan tanah di tiap jenis tanah tidak menunjukkan perbedaan yang nyata. Perbedaan sifat-sifat fisik tanah cenderung terjadi antar jenis tanah. Tanah bertekstur klei menghasilkan tanah yang memiliki nilai permeabilitas lambat yang diakibatkan oleh ukuran pori yang kecil dan rapat. Bobot isi tertinggi dan terendah dijumpai pada Oksisol dengan TT kelapa sawit 2005 dan pada Ultisol TT 2009. Ruang pori air tersedia (RPAT) tertinggi terdapat pada tanah Inseptisol, ruang pori drainase (RPD) dan permeabilitas tertinggi pada tanah Oksisol. Sifat fisik tanah yang mempengaruhi RPAT adalah kadar klei dan bahan organik, sementara sifat fisik tanah yang mempengaruhi kadar air titik layu permanen adalah bobot isi. Ruang pori air tersedia merupakan potensi tanah dalam menyediakan air bagi tanaman. Produktivitas kelapa sawit pada Inceptisol lebih tinggi dibanding pada Oksisol maupun Ultisol. Dengan curah hujan tahunan yang relatif sama antara Ultisol dan Inseptisol, defisit curah hujan pada Ultisol lebih besar sehingga produktivitas kelapa sawit jauh lebih rendah daripada di lokasi Inseptisol. Begitu juga antara Ultisol dan Oksisol, walaupun curah hujan di lokasi Oksisol lebih rendah dibanding Ultisol, produksi sawit di lokasi Oksisol lebih tinggi. Potensi tanah menyediakan air pada Inseptisol paling tinggi, diikuti oleh Oksisol dan Ultisol, sehingga produktivitas kelapa sawit di Inseptisol paling tinggi diikuti Oksisol dan Ultisol. Kata Kunci: sifat fisik tanah, neraca air, Oksisol, Ultisol, Inseptisol
Soil, as the medium for plant root growth, is expected to provide favorable conditions for root development. Different soil types exhibit varying levels of organic matter, water availability, and aeration, ultimately impacting plant productivity. Rainfall patterns represent a pivotal climatic factor in oil palm production. This study aimed to examine the physical characteristics of Oxisols, Ultisols, and Inceptisols in various soil management fields within oil palm plantations. The research sought to investigate the relationships between soil physics and potential water availability, as well as the connections between rainfall, water deficit, soil physical properties, and oil palm productivity. The investigation was conducted in Malingping, Lebak, focusing on Oxisols, Jasinga, Bogor, dealing with Ultisols, and Rancabungur, Bogor, involving Inceptisols. The plantation years were 2005 (Rancabungur and Malingping) and 2009 (Jasinga and Malingping). Soil samples were collected at depths of 0-30 cm and 30-60 cm, with three replications for each soil type and management field. Soil physics analysis encompassed texture, bulk density, particle density, water content at various pF values, soil permeability, and chemical properties such as soil organic matter content. Findings revealed that the highest clay content was observed in Ultisols (65.3%), while the lowest was in Inceptisols (37.7%). Physical soil properties across different soil management fields within each soil type did not exhibit significant differences, but variations tended to occur between soil types. Clay-rich soils displayed slow permeability due to their small and compact pore sizes. The highest and lowest bulk densities were found in Oxisols with a 2005 oil palm planting year and Ultisols with a 2009 planting year, respectively. Inceptisols exhibited the highest available pore space for water (RPAT), while Oxisols displayed the highest drainage pore space (RPD) and permeability. Soil physical properties influencing RPAT were clay content and organic matter, whereas bulk density influenced permanent wilting point water content. Available water pore space contributes to the soil's potential to supply water to plants. Oil palm productivity was greater in Inceptisols compared to Oxisols and Ultisols. Despite similar annual rainfall between Ultisols and Inceptisols, the larger rainfall deficit in Ultisols led to significantly lower oil palm productivity compared to the Inceptisol location. Similarly, despite lower rainfall in Oxisols compared to Ultisols, oil palm production was higher in the Oxisol area. The potential of soil to provide water was highest in Inceptisols, followed by Oxisols and Ultisols, resulting in the highest oil palm productivity in Inceptisols, followed by Oxisols and Ultisols. Keywords: soil physical properties, water balance, Oxisols, Ultisols, Inceptisols
Appears in Collections:MT - Agriculture

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