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Title: Perancangan Ulang Tata Letak Gudang Pada Backroom Baby Milk, Baby Food, dan Baby Needs Pt AEON Indonesia Cabang Sentul
Other Titles: Re-Designing The Retail Business Warehouse Layout Using Dedicated Storage, Shared Storage, and The Pareto Effect Method
Authors: Hidayati, Nurul
Putri, Adinda Yoma Ardita
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Manajemen pergudangan adalah hal yang penting bagi suatu bisnis salah satunya yaitu bisnis ritel. PT AEON Indonesia adalah salah satu perusahaan ritel yang sedang berkembang pesat di Indonesia. Sistem tata letak gudang yang diterapkan pada PT AEON Indonesia hanya menggunakan metode dedicated storage dengan jenis penyimpanan rak. Namun, peletakan produk belum sesuai pengkategorian yang tertera dan beberapa shelving masih terlihat kosong yang membuat gudang menjadi tidak rapi. Penelitian dilakukan di backroom milk, baby food, dan baby needs PT AEON Indonesia Cabang Sentul pada bulan Februari 2023 hingga Juni 2023. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan rekomendasi tata letak gudang yang lebih efektif dan efisien dilihat dari penggunaan ruang serta total jarak tempuh produk. Tata letak gudang baru disusun menggunakan gabungan metode dedicated storage, shared storage, dan metode pareto effect. Tata letak gudang baru mampu mereduksi total jarak tempuh keseluruhan produk sebesar 21,5% dan mengoptimalkan penggunaan ruang sehingga terdapat ruang yang dapat digunakan untuk mengaktualisasikan shelving simpan barang recekan dan temporary area.
Warehousing management is important for a business, one of which is a retail business. PT AEON Indonesia is a fast-growing retail company in Indonesia. The warehouse layout system implemented at PT AEON Indonesia only uses the dedicated storage method with the rack storage type. However, product placement is not in accordance with the categorization listed and several shelves still look empty, making the warehouse untidy. The research was conducted at backroom milk, baby food, and baby needs PT AEON Indonesia Sentul branch from February 2023 to June 2023. This study aims to provide recommendations for warehouse layouts that are more effective and efficient in terms of space usage and the total mileage of products. The new warehouse layout was prepared using a combination of several methods, namely the dedicated storage method, shared storage, and the pareto effect method. The new warehouse layout is able to reduce the total mileage of all products by 21.5% and optimize the use of space so that there are spaces to realize recekan shelves and temporary areas.
Appears in Collections:UT - Management

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