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Title: Evaluasi Kualitas Fisik Wafer Suplemen dan Aplikasi Pemberiannya terhadap Produktivitas Ayam Petelur
Other Titles: Evaluation of the Physical Quality of Supplement Wafer and Application of Supplement on Productivity of Laying Hens
Authors: Retnani, Yuli
Mutia, Rita
Wardani, Wira Wisnu
Pakpahan, Anna Megawati Br
Issue Date: 8-Aug-2023
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Konsumsi telur secara nasional mencapai 78,80 %, nilai ini lebih tinggi daripada konsumsi daging dan susu. Menurut data Badan Pusat Statistik konsumsi telur mengalami peningkatan sejak 2019 sampai saat ini. Peningkatan konsumsi telur sebaiknya diiringi dengan meningkatya produksi telur. Indonesia adalah negara tropis yang suhu dan kelembabannya cukup tinggi terutama saat musim kemarau. Suhu lingkungan berkisar antara 27-37 oC. Kisaran suhu yang nyaman untuk unggas adalah 18-25 oC. Heat stress dapat terjadi pada ayam akibat ketidaksesuaian kebutuhan suhu. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi kualitas fisik wafer suplemen dengan penambahan binder berbeda dan mengevaluasi produktivitas ayam petelur yang diberi wafer suplemen dalam air minum. Pembuatan wafer suplemen melalui proses pemanasan dan tekanan dengan suhu 80 oC dan 200-300 kg m-3 selama 10 menit dan didinginkan di suhu ruang, dengan ukuran wafer suplemen 3x3x1 cm. Ayam yang digunakan yaitu ayam petelur strain Isa Brown umur 20 minggu dipelihara selama 12 minggu (20-31 minggu). Penelitian ini menggunakan pakan komersil, pemberian pakan dan air minum ad-libitum diberikan 2 kali sehari pada 07.00 dan 17.00 WIB. Rancangan yang digunakan pada penelitian tahap 1 adalah Rancangan Acak Lengkap 3x4 (T1: Pollard, T2: Gaplek, T3: Onggok). Data dianalisis menggunakan ANOVA jika hasil berbeda nyata dilanjutkan uji Tukey. Tahap 2 penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap 2x4 (P1: Tanpa wafer suplemen, P2: pemberian wafer suplemen). Data dianalisis menggunakan Independent-Sample T-test. Data diolah menggunakan software SPSS 25. Variabel yang diamati terdiri dari kualitas fisik wafer suplemen, performa ayam Isa Brown, dan kualitas fisik telur Isa Brown serta indeks heat stress selama pemeliharaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perekat yang berbeda tidak mempengaruhi (p>0,05) nilai kadar air namun mempengaruhi (p<0,05) aktivitas air, berat jenis, wafer durability index dan kelarutan total wafer suplemen. Wafer suplemen yang terpilih dengan kualitas fisik terbaik yaitu wafer suplemen binder gaplek. Hasil penelitian tahap dua menunjukkan bahwa pemberian wafer suplemen tidak berpengaruh nyata (p>0,05) terhadap konsumsi pakan, konsumsi air minum, konversi ransum, berat telur, massa telur, hen day production (HDP), dan kualitas fisik telur tetapi mempengaruhi (p<0,05) mortalitas ayam. Rata-rata indeks heat stress selama penelitian yaitu 163,15. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah Wafer suplemen yang memiliki kualitas fisik terbaik adalah wafer dengan binder gaplek dengan nilai kelarutan sebesar 94,97 %. Pemberian wafer suplemen dalam air minum tidak mempengaruhi konsumsi pakan, konsumsi air minum, bobot dan massa telur, FCR, HDP, dan kualitas fisik telur ayam Isa Brown. Pemberian wafer suplemen dapat menurunkan angka mortalitas sebesar 9,38 %.
Consumption of eggs nationally reaches 78.80%, this value is much higher when compared to consumption of meat and milk. According to data from the Central Statistics Agency, egg consumption has increased since 2019 until now. The increase in egg consumption should be accompanied by an increase in egg production. Indonesia is a tropical country with high temperatures and humidity, especially during the dry season. The ambient temperature ranges from 27-37oC. A comfortable temperature range for poultry is 18-25oC. Mismatching temperature requirements can result in chickens experiencing heat stress. This study aimed to evaluate the physical characteristics of supplement wafers by adding different binders to evaluate the productivity of laying hens supplemented with wafers in drinking water. Supplementary wafers are made through a heating and pressure process with a temperature of 80oC and 200-300 kg m-3 for 10 minutes and cooled at room temperature, with a supplemental wafer size of 3x3x1 cm. The chicken used was the Isa Brown strain aged 20 weeks which was reared for 12 weeks. In this study, the feed used was commercial feed. Feeding and drinking water ad-libitum at 07.00 a.m and at 17.00 p.m. The design used in phase 1 of the study was a 3x4 Completely Randomized Design (T1: Pollard, T2: Cassava flour, T3: Tapioca Flour Waste). Data were analyzed using ANOVA, and if the results were significantly different continued with the Tukey test. Phase 2 of the study used a 2x4 Completely Randomized Design (P1: without wafer supplements, P2: supplemented wafers). Data were analyzed using the Independent-Sample T-test. The data were processed using SPSS 25 software. The observed variables were supplemented wafer physical quality, performance, physical quality of Isa Brown eggs, and heat stress index during the study. The results showed that different adhesives did not affect (p>0.05) water content but did affect (p<0.05) water activity, specific gravity, wafer durability index, and total solubility. The wafer supplement that was selected with the best physical quality was the cassava binder supplement wafer. The results of the second phase of the study showed that supplementary wafer administration did not affect (p>0.05) feed consumption, drinking water consumption, ration conversion, egg weight, daily egg production, and physical quality of eggs but did affect (p<0.05) chicken mortality. The average heat stress index during the study was 163.15. This study concludes that the supplement wafer that has the best physical quality is a wafer with a cassava binder with a solubility value of 94.97%. Giving supplement wafers in drinking water did not affect feed consumption, water consumption, egg weight, egg mass, feed conversion ratio, egg production, or the physical quality of Isa Brown chicken eggs. However, giving wafer supplements can reduce the mortality rate by 9.38%.
Appears in Collections:MT - Animal Science

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