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Title: Biodiversitas Makroavertebrata Bentik di Situ Patengan serta Hubungannya dengan Kondisi Kualitas Air, Sedimen dan Penggunaan Lahan Pesisir Danau
Other Titles: Benthic Macroavertebrate Biodiversity in The Patengan Lakes and Its Relationship With Water Quality, Sediments and Lake Shoreline Land Use
Authors: Krisanti, Majariana
Kurnia, Rahmat
Nurcahyanto, Arif
Issue Date: 2-Aug-2023
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Situ Patengan merupakan salah satu danau dataran tinggi di Jawa Barat yang berada pada ketinggian ±1600 mdpl yang merupakan habitat berbagai organisme di dalamnya termasuk makroavertebrata bentik. Situ ini dikelilingi oleh berbagai kegiatan antropogenik di antaranya adalah resort, restoran, warung, pariwisata dan perkebunan. Kondisi tersebut dapat mempengaruhi kondisi kualitas lingkungan dan komunitas makroavertebrata bentik. Selama penelitian, ditemukan sebanyak 6 ordo yang terdiri atas 9 famili dan 20 genus makroavertebrata bentik di perairan Situ Patengan. Famili Chironomidae merupakan kelompok yang cukup dominan baik dari sisi kelimpahan maupun jumlah jenis. Selain itu, jenis Naididae cukup melimpah, selain jenis Perlidae dan Atyiidae yang merupakan bioindikator. Tubificidae, Glossiphonidae dan Lumbriculidae lebih berasosiasi dengan tutupan lahan pertanian maupun lahan buatan dan kondisi lingkungan yang memiliki tekanan lebih tinggi. Sedangkan famili Atyiidae dan Perlidae lebih berasosiasi dengan kondisi lingkungan baik dan tutupan lahan hutan/alami.
Situ Patengan is one of the highland lake in West Java which is located at an altitude of ±1600 meters above sea level which is the habitat of various organisms including benthic macroinvertebrates. This lake is surrounded by various anthropogenic activities including resorts, restaurants, stalls, tourism, and plantations. These conditions can affect environmental quality conditions and benthic macroinvertebrate communities. During the study, 6 orders consisting of 9 families and 20 genera of macroinvertebrates were found in the waters of Situ Patengan. The Chironomidae family is a dominant group both in terms of abundance and number of species. In addition, the species of Naididae are quite abundant, apart from the types of Perlidae and Atyiidae which are bioindicators. Tubificidae, Glossiphonidae and Lumbriculidae are more associated with agricultural land cover and artificial physical land and environmental conditions that have higher pressure. Meanwhile, the families Atyiidae and Perlidae are more associated with good environmental conditions and forest/natural land cover
Appears in Collections:MT - Fisheries

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