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Title: Kesiapan Masyarakat dalam Pengembangan Produk Wisata di Desa Tamansari, Kabupaten Bogor
Other Titles: Community Readiness in Tourism Product Development in Tamansari Village, Bogor Regency
Authors: Rachmawati, Eva
Hidayati, Syafitri
Hanifah, Nur
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Desa Tamansari merupakan desa yang dicanangkan sebagai desa wisata oleh Pemerintah Kabupaten Bogor. Terdapat produk wisata yang sudah ditawarkan oleh masyarakat. Namun, produk wisata tersebut belum mampu memajukan desa. Hal tersebut mengartikan terdapat faktor yang memengaruhi masyarakat dalam menciptakan produk berkualitas. Tujuan penelitian mengidentifikasi produk wisata dan kesiapan masyarakat, serta menganalisis produk wisata dan kesiapan masyarakat dalam mengembangkan produk wisata. Penelitian dilakukan di Desa Tamansari Kabupaten Bogor pada bulan Mei-Juni 2022. Data dikumpulkan dari 164 responden melalui survei, dan wawancara dengan beberapa pihak, observasi terhadap fenomena sosial, dan studi literatur. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa produk wisata di Desa Tamansari terdiri atas produk aktivitas, produk yang dapat dilihat, dan produk yang dapat dibeli. Masyarakat belum memiliki kesiapan dalam mengembangkan produk wisata. Masyarakat minim dalam pengetahuan dan kemampuan mengenai pengembangan produk, sehingga diperlukan pelatihan dan kegiatan pemberdayaan.
Tamansari Village is a village that has been designated as a tourist village by the Bogor District Government. There are tourism products that have been offered by the community. However, these tourism products have not been able to advance the village. This means that there are factors that influence society in creating quality products. The research objectives were to identify the tourism products, identify community readiness, and analyze the tourism products and the community readiness in developing tourism products. The research was conducted in Tamansari Village, Bogor Regency in May-June 2022. Data were collected from 164 respondents in a survey, and interviews with several parties, observations on social phenomena, and literature studies. The results of the study show that tourism products in Tamansari Village consists of activity products, products that can be seen, and products that can be purchased. The community is not yet ready to develop tourism products. Community readiness is minimal in terms of knowledge and skills about tourism product development, so training and empowerment activities are needed.
Appears in Collections:UT - Conservation of Forest and Ecotourism

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