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Title: Pengembangan Metode Uji Cepat Viabilitas dan Vigor Benih Jagung (Zea mays L.) dengan Urine Sugar Analysis Paper
Other Titles: Development of Rapid Viability and Vigor Test Methods for Corn (Zea mays L.) Seeds Using Urine Sugar Analysis Paper
Authors: Suhartanto, M. Rahmad
Ilyas, Satriyas
Fitri, Risa Destiana
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Urine sugar analysis paper (USAP) telah digunakan untuk uji cepat viabilitas dan vigor benih kedelai berdasarkan terdeteksinya bocoran protein di dalam air rendaman benih. Penelitian bertujuan mengembangkan metode uji cepat viabilitas dan vigor benih jagung menggunakan USAP dengan mendeteksi bocoran glukosa, protein, dan perubahan pH pada berbagai tingkat viabilitas dan vigor. Tahap pertama penelitian ini adalah pembuatan lot benih dengan tiga bulan penyimpanan, disusun menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) satu faktor yaitu kemasan benih (plastik polypropylene, plastik polyethylene, kertas amplop coklat, dan tanpa kemasan). Tahap kedua adalah uji kebocoran glukosa, protein dan perubahan pH menggunakan USAP. Percobaan menggunakan RAL satu faktor, 12 kombinasi perlakuan yaitu kondisi benih (utuh, dibelah dua, dan dihaluskan) dengan lama perendaman (0, 6, 9, dan 12 jam). Hasil tahap pertama dan tahap kedua dianalisis menggunakan analisis regresi linier sederhana dan uji korelasi untuk mengetahui hubungan antara keduanya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan USAP mampu mendeteksi bocoran glukosa pada perlakuan benih dibelah dua dan dihaluskan pada semua lama perendaman, namun tidak dapat membedakan tingkat viabilitas dan vigor benih. Indikator bocoran protein dan perubahan pH tidak terdeteksi sehingga tidak dapat membedakan tingkat viabilitas dan vigor benih.
Urine sugar analysis paper (USAP) has been used to test the viability and vigor of soybean seeds based on detection of protein leakage in the seed’s soaking water. The research aimed to develop a rapid viability and vigor test method for corn seeds using USAP by detecting leaks of glucose, protein and changes in pH at various levels of viability and vigor. The first stage of this research was making seed lots with three months of storage, arranged using a completely randomized design (CRD) with one factor, namely seed packaging (polypropylene plastic, polyethylene plastic, brown envelope paper, and without packaging). The second stage was testing for glucose and protein leakage and changes in pH using USAP. The experiment used a CRD with one factor, consisted of 12 treatment combinations, namely seed conditions (intact, halved, and crushed) with different soaking durations (0, 6, 9, and 12 hours). The results of the first and second stages were analyzed using simple linear regression analysis and correlation tests to determine the relationship between them. The results showed that USAP could detect glucose leakage in the halved and crushed seed treatments at all soaking durations but could not differentiate between seed viability and vigor levels. The indicators of protein leakage and pH changes were not detected thus could not distinguish seed viability and vigor levels.
Appears in Collections:UT - Agronomy and Horticulture

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