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dc.contributor.advisorSetyaningsih, Dwi-
dc.contributor.authorMaulidin, Yusuf Fahrur Ro'uf-
dc.description.abstractDaging analog merupakan pangan yang terbuat dari protein non hewani dan memiliki sifat-sifat fisik menyerupai daging hewani. Kandungan protein nabati memiliki beberapa keunggulan yaitu kandungan kalori dan asam lemak jenuh yang lebih sedikit daripada daging hewani. Adapun kandungan protein nabati cukup tinggi pada kacang-kacangan misalnya kacang kedelai. Protein nabati dalam kedelai memiliki kandungan sedikit lemak, memungkinkan untuk menambahkan lemak pada daging analog. Adapun lemak yang dapat ditambahkan adalah lemak tidak jenuh seperti olein. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh konsentrasi minyak pada emulsi fat replacer dan pengaruh dari waktu resting daging analog berbasis ISP (Isolate Soy Protein). Selain itu, penelitian ini juga bertujuan mengetahui perlakuan optimum pembuatan daging analog berdasarkan karakteristik fisik dan kimia daging analog. Penelitian ini terdiri dari dalam tiga tahap yaitu pembuatan emulsi fat replacer, pembuatan daging analog, dan analisis produk yang meliputi uji analisis fisik dan kimia daging analog menggunakan RSM (respon surface method). Daging analog dibuat dengan metode pengukusan selama 45 menit. Daging analog kemudian diuji karakteristik fisik dan kimia untuk mendapatkan perlakuan optimum. Berdasarkan hasil analisis Kondisi/perlakuan optimum yang terpilih memiliki nilai desirability sebesar 0,567 yaitu pada kondisi/perlakuan waktu resting 35,759 menit dan konsentrasi minyak dalam emulsi fat replacer sebesar 16,124%. Dalam perlakuan tersebut memiliki kadar air 52,920%, kadar lemak 21,831%, kadar protein 13.712%, kadar abu 3,080%, kadar karbohidrat 2,439%, kekerasan 5,937 N, elastisitas 0,975 mm, dan daya kunyah 3,968
dc.description.abstractMeat analogue are foods made from non-animal proteins and have physical properties resembling animal meat. The content of vegetable protein has several advantages, namely calorie content and less saturated fatty acids than animal meat. The content of vegetable protein is quite high in legumes such as soybeans. The vegetable protein in soybeans contains little fat, making it possible to add fat to meat analog. The fat that can be added is unsaturated fat such as olein. This study aims to determine the effect of oil concentration on fat replacer emulsion and the effect of resting time on ISP (Isolate Soy Protein) based meat analog. In addition, this study also aims to determine the optimum treatment for making meat analog based on the physical and chemical properties of meat analog. This research consisted of three stages, namely making fat replacer emulsion, making analog meat, and product analysis which included physical and chemical analysis tests of analog meat using RSM (response surface method). meat analogue was made by steaming method for 45 minutes. The meat analogue then tested for physical and chemical characteristics to obtain the optimum treatment/condition. Based on the results of the analysis, the optimum condition/treatment selected had a desirability value of 0,567, namely in the condition/treatment of 35,759 minutes resting time and oil concentration in fat replacer emulsion of 16,124%. The treatment has a moisture content 52,920%, fat content 21,831%, protein content 13.712%, ash content 3,080%, carbohydrate content 2,439%, hardness 5,937 N, springiness 0,975 mm, and chewiness of 3,968
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleFat replacer pada Daging Analog Berbasis ISP (Isolate Soy Protein) Sebagai Pangan Fungsional Tinggi Proteinid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordMeat Analoguesid
dc.subject.keywordResting Timeid
dc.subject.keywordFat Replacerid
Appears in Collections:UT - Agroindustrial Technology

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