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Title: Efektivitas Program Pinky Movement Pertamina: Penerapan Konsep Penciptaan Nilai Bersama
Other Titles: Pertamina Pinky Movement Program Effectiveness: Implementation of The Concept of Creating Shared Value
Authors: Winoto, Joyo
Suprehatin, Suprehatin
Rushartami, Meidina Arimbi
Issue Date: 26-Jul-2023
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Pendekatan penciptaan nilai dalam melaksanakan Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan Lingkungan (TJSL) dikenal dengan Creating Shared Value (CSV). CSV dapat menjadi alat yang berguna untuk mendapatkan keuntungan jangka panjang yang lebih tinggi di mana keuntungan dan tujuan sosial dapat sejalan beriringan. Pelaksanaan TJSL berkonsep CSV yang baik adalah mampu mengintegrasikan isu dan tantangan sosial ke dalam penciptaan nilai ekonomi. Sejak tahun 2020, PT Pertamina (Persero) menjalankan TJSL dengan menerapkan konsep CSV melalui program Pinky Movement, yaitu program pendanaan dan pembinaan bagi pelaku usaha mikro dan kecil (UMK) sektor perdagangan (otulet) dan sektor kuliner untuk kemajuan usaha dan beralih menggunakan liquified petroleum gas (LPG) non-subsidi. Melalui program ini, peserta program diwajibkan untuk membeli LPG non-subsidi bagi pelaku UMK sektor kuliner dan perdagangan serta menjual LPG non-subsidi bagi pelaku UMK sektor perdagangan sebagai upaya penciptaan nilai ekonomi bagi perusahaan. Rangkaian program Pinky Movement tersebut diharapkan mampu memberikan dampak positif bagi perusahaan dan peserta program baik dari nilai ekonomi maupun sosial. Namun demikian, belum ada studi empiris yang membuktikan efektivitas program Pinky Movement dalam menerapkan konsep CSV. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji efektivitas program Pinky Movement berkonsep CSV dalam menciptakan nilai sosial dan nilai ekonomi serta merumuskan strategi pengembangan program Pinky Movement. Penelitian ini menggunakan data primer dan sekunder. Data primer diperoleh dari survei daring kepada peserta program Pinky Movement. Dari 392 peserta program yang dipilih melalui teknik probability sampling, ada 269 peserta yang secara sukarela mengisi dan mengembalikan kuesioner mengenai kondisi ekonomi dan sosial sebelum dan saat program Pinky Movement dijalankan. Data sekunder dari PT Pertamina meliputi penjualan, keuntungan, reputasi brand score, jumlah karyawan yang berkontribusi dalam Program TJSL, dan pelaksanaan program pelatihan Pinky Movement yang berada dalam kondisi kondisi sebelum dan saat program Pinky Movement dijalankan, yaitu masing-masing pada periode tahun 2018-2019 dan 2020-2021. Data dianalisis menggunakan analisis statistik uji paired sample t-test untuk membandingkan kondisi peserta sebelum dan saat mengikuti program Pinky Movement. Pada perumusan strategi pengembangan program Pinky Movement, penelitian ini menggunakan konsep design thinking. Tahapan design thinking yakni emphatize, define, ideate, prototype, dan test dilakukan untuk mendapatkan hal baru dalam pengembangan program Pinky Movement. Hasil dari proses design thinking menjadi rekomendasi dalam pengembangan program. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa program Pinky Movement efektif dari segi nilai sosial dan ekonomi dari sisi peserta program. Sebaliknya, dari sisi perusahaan, program ini belum terbukti efektif karena belum ada perubahan nilai ekonomi dan sosial yang positif. Hasil perumusan strategi pengembangan menggunakan design thinking menunjukkan bahwa usulan pengembangan program dikatakan layak untuk dijalankan berdasarkan perhitungan net present value (NPV) dari pengembangan program tersebut. Usulan pengembangan program diharapkan dapat memberikan dampak positif bagi PT Pertamina maupun target penerima program. Dengan demikian, program Pinky Movement dapat mengimplementasikan konsep CSV dengan efektif.
The value creation approach in implementing Social and Environmental Responsibility (TJSL) is known as Creating Shared Value (CSV). CSV can be a valuable tool for higher long-term returns where profit and social goals can go hand in hand. The implementation of TJSL with a good CSV concept is integrating social issues and challenges into creating economic value. Since 2020, PT Pertamina (Persero) has implemented TJSL by implementing the CSV concept through the Pinky Movement program, a funding and coaching program for micro small enterprises (MSES) to develop their business and switch to using non-subsidized liquified petroleum gas (LPG). Through this program, program participants are required to make redemption in the form of purchasing non-subsidized LPG to create economic value for the company. The series of Pinky Movement programs are expected to positively impact companies and program participants in terms of economic and social values. However, no empirical studies prove the effectiveness of the Pinky Movement program in implementing the CSV concept. This study aims to examine the effectiveness of the Pinky Movement program with the CSV concept in creating social and economic values and to formulate a strategy for developing the Pinky Movement program. Types of data collection are primary data and secondary data. To obtain primary data, a survey method was used through online questionnaires to a sample of 392 program participants selected through a probability sampling technique, 269 of whom filled out the questionnaire. The questionnaire is filled into conditions before and when the Pinky Movement program was implemented. Secondary data from Pertamina include sales, profits, brand score reputation, number of employees who contribute to the TJSL Program, and the implementation of the Pinky Movement training program, which were in condition before (2018-2019) and when the Pinky Movement program was implemented (2020-2021). Statistical analysis using paired sample t-test. The research involved two measurements on the same subject of an effect or treatment of the Pinky Movement program on the conditions before and when the program was run. The results of the calculation are said to be effective if there are differences in the values of the observed variables after getting the Pinky Movement program (mean difference (ud) < 0 or t-value> 1.96 or sig < 0.05). In formulating the strategy for developing the Pinky Movement program, this research uses the concept of design thinking. The stages of design thinking, na empathize, define, ideate, prototype, and test are carried out to get new thir developing the Pinky Movement program. The results of the design thinking process become recommendations in program development. The study results show that the Pinky Movement program is effective in terms of social and economic values from the perspective of program participants. In contrast, from the company's point of view, this program has not proven its effectiveness because there have been no positive changes in economic and social values. The results of the formulation of the development of design thinking that the program development proposal is feasible to run through the calculation of the net present value (NPV), which is calculated at the test stage. The proposed program development is expected to impact Pertamina and the program's target beneficiaries positively. Thus, the Pinky Movement program can implement the CSV concept effectively.
Appears in Collections:MT - Business

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