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dc.contributor.advisorSoviana, Susi-
dc.contributor.advisorSupriyono, Supriyono-
dc.contributor.authorPratiwi, Indhira-
dc.description.abstractLipas Periplaneta americana merupakan serangga hama permukiman yang dianggap menjijikan karena sering ditemukan pada lingkungan yang kotor dan berpotensi mencemari makanan dan area sekitarnya. Keberadaan lipas dan bakteri yang terdapat pada ususnya penting untuk diketahui karena berkaitan dengan perannya sebagai vektor. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengukur derajat infestasi lipas dan mengidentifikasi jenis bakteri dalam tubuh lipas di area lingkar kampus IPB Dramaga. Koleksi lipas dilakukan pada bulan Oktober 2022-Januari 2023 menggunakan perangkap berperekat yang dipasang pada malam hari di area permukiman dan rumah makan (kamar mandi atau dapur). Lipas dikelompokkan berdasarkan lokasi penangkapan dan dihitung jumlahnya. Usus lipas diambil dengan cara melakukan pembedahan abdomen untuk dilakukan deteksi bakteri menggunakan PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) dan NGS (Next Generation Sequencing). Deteksi keragaman jenis bakteri menggunakan PCR dilakukan terhadap gen target 16S rDNA dengan general primers 61F dan 1227R sedangkan NGS dilakukan menggunakan target V4-V5. Kepadatan lipas tergolong tinggi dengan indeks populasi 2,58 yang melebihi nilai standar baku mutu kesehatan lingkungan. Deteksi bakteri menggunakan PCR menunjukkan hasil negatif, tetapi hasil NGS menunjukkan enam grup bakteri dominan yang terdapat di dalam usus P. americana, yaitu Eubacterium nodatum (7%), Candidatus saccharimonas (6%), Christensenellaceae-R7 (4%), Lactobacillus (4%), Anaerorhabdus furcosa (3%), dan Bacteroides (3%).id
dc.description.abstractCockroaches Periplaneta americana are resident pest insects that are considered disgusting because they are often found in dirty environments and have the potential to contaminated food and the surrounded areas. The existence of cockroaches and bacteria in the intestine are important to know because cockroaches can serves as a mechanical vectors. This study aims to measure the level of cockroach infestation and identify various species of bacteria in cockroaches gut at area around IPB University, Dramaga. Periplaneta americana were collected in October 2022-January 2023 using sticky traps and placed at night in houses and restaurants (kitchen or bathroom areas). Cockroaches were grouped based on the collection location and counted. The cockroach gut was taken through abdominal dissection for the PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) and NGS (Next Generation Sequencing). The diversity of bacteria with gen target 16S rDNA was identified using general primers 61F and 1227R while NGS was identified with V4-V5 targets. The density of cockroaches was high, exceeded the standard of environmental health quality with a population index was 2.58. The PCR test showed negative results, but the NGS result showed the presence of six dominant bacteria group in the gut of P. americana, these were Eubacterium nodetum (7%), Candidatus saccharimonas (6%), Christensenellaceae-R7 (4%), Lactobacillus (4%), Anaerorhabdus furcosa (3%), and Bacteroides (3%).id
dc.description.sponsorshipPT Megasari Makmurid
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleInfestasi dan Identifikasi Bakteri dari Lipas Periplaneta americana (Dictyoptera: Blattidae) di Area Lingkar Kampus IPB Dramagaid
dc.title.alternativeInfestation and Identification of Bacteria from Cockroach Periplaneta americana (Dictyoptera: Blattidae) at the Area Around of IPB University, Dramagaid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordarea around of IPB Dramagaid
dc.subject.keywordcockroach gut bacteriaid
dc.subject.keywordPeriplaneta americanaid
Appears in Collections:UT - Animal Disease and Veterinary Health

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