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dc.contributor.advisorArief, Irma Isnafia
dc.contributor.advisorWulandari, Zakiah
dc.contributor.advisorCyrilla E.N.S.D, Lucia
dc.description.abstractYoghurt adalah minuman fermentasi yang mengandung bakteri probiotik. Dried yoghurt merupakan salah satu inovasi produk yoghurt. Dried yoghurt lebih banyak beredar luas diluar negeri dibandingkan didalam negeri dan umumnya diluar negeri sudah sangat dikenal. Oleh sebab itu perlu identifikasi karakteristik dan uji pasar. Uji pasar meliputi bagaimana potensi pasar, persepsi konsumen, respon (tanggapan) konsumen terhadap dried yoghurt, kemudian perilaku pembelian konsumen dan atribut-atribut yang mempengaruhi pembelian dried yoghurt yang dilakukan oleh remaja dan dewasa di Kota Bogor. Dried yoghurt belum pernah dipasarkan sehingga dilakukan analisis deskriptif perilaku pembelian dried yoghurt diperlukan untuk melihat bagaimana perilaku pembelian dried yoghurt yang dilakukan oleh konsumen di Kota Bogor. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan menggunakan rumus slovin dengan nilai kritis sebesar 10 % maka total sampel yang diambil adalah 100 orang. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan secara purposive sampling. Dried yoghurt aman dikonsumsi berdasarkan karakateristiknya sesuai dengan SNI dan berpotensi dipasarkan di Kota Bogor karena banyak remaja dan dewasa yang sadar akan kesehatan. Hasil analisis conjoint dried yoghurt produsen harus mendesain dried yoghurt dengan kandungan probiotik, kemasan produk harus sesuai dengan selera konsumen dalam hal ini konsumen lebih menyukai dried yoghurt dengan kemasan 7 gram. Konsumen lebih menyukai jika harga dried yoghurt 10.000/pcs. Berdasarkan hasil analisis deksriminan memperlihatkan dari 100 responden sebanyak 90 orang akan membeli dried yoghurt jika dipasarkan. Kemudian 4 orang tidak akan membeli dried yoghurt jika dipasarkan dan 6 orang ragu-ragu terhadap pilihannya. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa dari 100 responden terdapat 47 orang perempuan dan 53 orang laki-laki dengan keluarga besar berjumlah 4 orang, pekerjaan sebagai pelajar/mahasiswa, berpendidikan terakhir SMP-SMA/Sederajat dengan pendapatan dan pengeluaran rata-rata sebulan sebesar Rp 500.000 – Rp 1.500.000. Dried yoghurt berpotensi dipasarkan di Kota Bogor karena banyak remaja dan dewasa yang sadar akan kesehatan. Rekomendasi pemasaran dried yoghurt yaitu memproduksi dried yoghurt sesuai dengan selera konsumen yaitu dried yoghurt dengan kandungan probiotik, harga yang terjangkau, berat produk yang lebih banyak dan kemasan yang
dc.description.abstractYoghurt is a fermented drink that contains probiotic bacteria. Dried yoghurt or dry yoghurt is one of the innovations of yoghurt products. Dried yoghurt is more widely circulated abroad than domestically and generally abroad is very well known. Therefore, it is necessary to identify characteristics and test the market. Market Test includes how the market potential, consumer perception, consumer response (response) to dried yoghurt, then consumer purchasing behavior, and attributes that influence the purchase of dried yoghurt made by adolescents and adults in Bogor City. Dried yoghurt has never been marketed so a descriptive analysis of dried yoghurt buying behavior is needed to see how dried yoghurt buying behavior is carried out by consumers in Bogor City. Sampling is carried out using the Slovin formula with a critical value of 10% then the total sample taken is 100 people. Sampling is carried out by purposive sampling. Dried yoghurt is safe for consumption based on its characteristics in accordance with SNI and has the potential to be marketed in Bogor City because many adolescents and adults are health-conscious. Results of conjoint analysis dried yoghurt, producers must design dried yoghurt with probiotic content, the product packaging must be in accordance with consumer tastes, in this case consumers prefer dried yoghurt with a packaging of 7 grams. Consumers prefer if the price of dried yoghurt is 10.000/pcs. Based on the results of the decriminant analysis, it shows that out of 100 respondents, as many as 90 people will buy dried yoghurt if dried yoghurt is marketed. Then 4 people will not buy dried yoghurt if it is marketed and 6 people are hesitant about the choice. Based on the results of the study, it was shown that out of 100 respondents there were 47 women and 53 men with large families totaling 4 people, work as students / students, the last education of junior high school / high school / equivalent with an average income and expenditure a month of Rp. 500,000 – Rp. 1,500,000. Dried yoghurt has the potential to be marketed in Bogor City because many teenagers and adults are health conscious. The recommendation for dried yoghurt is to produce dried yoghurt according to consumer tastes, namely dried yoghurt with probiotic content, affordable prices, more product weight and attractive
dc.description.sponsorshipPemerintah Kabupaten Kayong Utaraid
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleKarakteristik dan Uji Pasar Dried Yoghurt pada Konsumen Remaja dan Dewasa di Kota Bogorid
dc.title.alternativeCharacteristics and market test of dried yoghurt in adolescent and adults consumer in Bogor Cityid
dc.subject.keyworddried yoghurtid
Appears in Collections:MT - Animal Science

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