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Title: Identifikasi Cedera Ayam IPB-D1 Jantan dan Betina pada Pemeliharaan Sistem Free-Range
Other Titles: Identification Injury of Rooster and Hen IPB-D1 Chickens in Maintenance of Free-range System
Authors: Afnan, Rudi
Ulupi, Niken
Hindun, Hindun
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Chickens rearing in an intensive system with limited area causes chickens to be more easily stressed. Stressed can decreasing health of chickens and will have an impact on decreasing the quality and meat production that can be seen from the presence of injuries, such as foot pad dermatitis (FPD), hock burn (HB), and breast blister (BB). The aim of this study was to analyze and study the effect of the free-range system on injury in IPB-D1 chickens. This study used rooster and hen IPB-D1 chickens. This research is descriptive in nature by observing and assessing the soles of the feet, knees and breasts of the chickens. Injury assessment was carried out when the chicken were 8, 12, and 16 weeks old. The results showed that the incidence of foot pad dermatitis in rooster and hen chickens aged 12 weeks was 26.67% and 13.33%, respectively. Foot pad dermatitis injury increased to 40% in roosters and 33.33% in hens when the chickens were 16 weeks old. Breast blister injuries of 13.33% only occurred in roosters when they were 16 weeks old. Hock burn injuries did not occur in either roosters or hens.
Pemeliharaan ayam dengan sistem intensif dengan penggunaan lahan yang terbatas menyebabkan ayam lebih rentan terkena cekaman stres. Adanya cekaman ini secara tidak langsung dapat menurunkan tingkat kesehatan ayam dan akan berdampak pada penurunan kualitas dan produksi daging. Penurunan kesehatan ayam dapat dilihat dari adanya cedera, seperti foot pad dermatitis (FPD), hock burn (HB), dan breast blister (BB). Penelitian bertujuan menganalisis dan mempelajari pengaruh sistem pemeliharaan free-range terhadap cedera pada ayam IPB-D1. Ayam yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah ayam jantan dan betina IPB-D1. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif dengan cara mengamati dan menilai bagian telapak kaki, lutut, dan dada ayam. Penilaian cedera dilakukan saat ayam berumur 8, 12, dan 16 minggu. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kejadian cedera foot pad dermatitis pada ayam jantan dan betina berumur 12 minggu berurutan sebanyak 26,67% dan 13,33%. Cedera foot pad dermatitis meningkat menjadi 40% pada ayam jantan dan 33,33% pada ayam betina saat ayam berumur 16 minggu. Cedera breast blister sebanyak 13,33% hanya terjadi pada ayam jantan saat berumur 16 minggu. Cedera hock burn tidak terjadi baik pada ayam jantan maupun ayam betina.
Appears in Collections:UT - Animal Production Science and Technology

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