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Title: Optimisasi Komposisi Kedelai dan Reagent dalam Metode Soybean Crude Urease Calcite Precipitation untuk Perbaikan Tanah
Other Titles: Optimization of Soybean and Reagent Compositions using Soybean Crude Urease Calcite Precipitation Method for Soil Improvement
Authors: Putra, Heriansyah
Prayodi, Rifqi
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Penggunaan konsentrasi urease berupa kedelai dan reagent dalam metode SCU-CP perlu disesuaikan karena akan berkaitan dengan biaya dan emisi yang dihasilkan. Evaluasi variasi konsentrasi kedelai dan reagent dilakukan melalui pengujian hydrolysis rate (laju hidrolisis), precipitation test, komposisi dan fase mineral CaCO3 dengan XRD, dan kuantifikasi massa endapan CaCO3 dengan metode acid leaching. Penggunaan konsentrasi reagent yang rendah memungkinkan urea dapat seluruhnya terhidrolisis oleh kedelai dengan lebih cepat sehingga presipitasi CaCO3 yang dihasilkan lebih banyak. Komposisi mineral yang terbentuk berdasarkan analisis XRD yaitu polimorf CaCO3 (kalsit, aragonit, dan vaterit), serta unidentified berupa produk sampingan dan material organik. Fase mineral CaCO3 yang terbentuk yaitu crystalline (bentuk kristal sempurna) dan amorphous (bentuk kristal belum sempurna). Konsentrasi kedelai 20 g/L dan reagent 1,0 mol/L telah cukup mampu menghasilkan parameter laju hidrolisis, rasio presipitasi, dan komposisi kalsit serta crystalline dalam perbaikan parameter kekuatan tanah (UCS), khususnya dalam peristiwa likuifaksi.
The use of soybean urease concentrations and reagents in the SCU-CP method needs to be optimized through experimental study because it related to the costs and emissions that will be generated. Evaluation of variations in soybean and reagent concentrations was carried out by testing the hydrolysis rate, precipitation test, composition and mineral phase of CaCO3 through the XRD test, and quantification of the mass of CaCO3 precipitate using the acid leaching method. The use of a low reagent concentration allows urea to be completely hydrolyzed by soybeans more quickly so that more CaCO3 precipitation is produced. The mineral compositions formed based on XRD analysis are CaCO3 polymorphs (calcite, aragonite, and vaterite), as well as unidentified form of by-products and organic materials. The CaCO3 mineral phases that are formed are crystalline and amorphous. Soybean concentration of 20 g/L and 1,0 mol/L reagent was sufficient to produce hydrolysis rate parameters, precipitation ratio, and calcite and crystalline composition in improving soil strength parameters (UCS), especially in liquefaction events.
Appears in Collections:UT - Civil and Environmental Engineering

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