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dc.contributor.advisorBudiman, Candra-
dc.contributor.advisorQadir, Abdul-
dc.contributor.authorNapitupulu, Hinca Fitrah Annisa-
dc.description.abstractSeiring dengan berkembangnya teknologi, kemajuan pengujian benih juga ikut mengalami peningkatan. Salah satu implementasi teknologi dalam pengujian benih adalah dengan menggunakan pengolahan citra digital. Penelitian bertujuan mengembangkan metode uji cepat vigor dengan metode pemunculan radikula (Radicle Emergence) pada benih jagung manis (Zea mays saccharata Sturt.) koleksi IPB dengan menggunakan pengolahan citra digital. Penelitian dilakukan di Laboratorium Penyimpanan dan Pengujian Mutu Benih, Departemen Agronomi dan Hortikultura (AGH), Fakultas Pertanian, Institut Pertanian Bogor pada bulan Januari hingga Mei 2023. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan kelompok lengkap teracak dengan empat ulangan. Benih jagung manis diperoleh dari koleksi Divisi Pemuliaan Tanaman IPB. Pengamatan dimulai jam 58 hingga 74 jam setelah pengecambahan. Terdapat empat kategori panjang radikula yang digunakan, yaitu kriteria panjang radikula ≥ 1 mm, panjang radikula ≥ 2 mm, panjang radikula ≥ 50% panjang benih, dan panjang radikula ≥ panjang benih. Persamaan yang diperoleh dari analisis regresi belum dapat digunakan untuk menduga RE pada benih jagung manis dengan indeks vigor sangat rendah dengan tingkat viabilitas sedang. Periode pengecambahan 60 sampai 64 jam dapat digunakan sebagai acuan awal untuk pengembangan metode uji cepat radicle emergence menggunakan pengolahan citra
dc.description.abstractAlong with the development of technology, the progress of seed testing has also increased. One of the technology implementations in seed testing is to use digital image processing. The aim of the study was to develop a vigor rapid test method using the radicle emergence method on IPB sweet corn (Zea mays saccharata Sturt.) seeds using digital image processing. The study was conducted at the Seed Storage and Quality Testing Laboratory, Department of Agronomy and Horticulture (AGH), Faculty of Agriculture, Bogor Agricultural University from January to May 2023. This study used a randomized complete block design with four replications. Sweet corn seeds were obtained from the collection of the Plant Breeding Division of IPB. Observations began 58 to 74 hours after germination. There are four categories of radicle length used, namely the criteria for radicle length ≥ 1 mm, radicle length ≥ 2 mm, radicle length ≥ 50% of seed length, and radicle length ≥ seed length. Based on the results of the correlation analysis, the RE percentage values in the four categories of radicle length produced had a significant correlation with the vigor index (IV) benchmark. The equations obtained from the regression analysis cannot be used to predict RE in sweet corn seeds with a very low vigor index and moderate viability. The germination period of 60 until 64 hours can be used as an initial reference for developing radicle emergence (RE) rapid test methods using digital image
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titlePengembangan Uji Vigor dengan Pemunculan Radikula pada Benih Jagung Manis (Zea mays saccharata Sturt.) IPB menggunakan Pengolahan Citra Digitalid
dc.title.alternativeDevelopment of Seed Vigour Test with Radicle Emergence for IPB Sweet Corn (Zea mays saccharata Sturt.) using Digital Image Processingid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordgermination period, ImageJ, percentage of radicula growth amount, radicle length, strainid
Appears in Collections:UT - Agronomy and Horticulture

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