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Title: Deteksi Dini Disfungsi Miokardium Menggunakan Two-Dimensional Mode Ekokardiografi pada Kucing Dewasa dengan Hipertrofi Kardiomiopati
Other Titles: Early Detection of Myocardial Disfunction Using Two-Dimensional Mode Echocardiography in Adult Cat with Hypertrophy Cardiomyopathy
Authors: Maheshwari, Hera
Noviana, Deni
Hanrahan, Jeslyn Elen
Issue Date: 2023
Abstract: Hipertrofi kardiomiopati (HCM) merupakan kondisi disfungsi miokardium akibat penebalan dinding ventrikel kiri dengan predisposisi pada kucing ras domestik, dewasa, dan jantan. Studi kasus ini bertujuan menganalisis karakteristik HCM pada kucing yang memenuhi predisposisi melalui ultrasonografi jantung (ekokardiografi). Anamnesis pasien didapatkan gejala batuk berjeda dan hipertensi. Status praesens pasien yang diperoleh yaitu bobot badan 6,6 kg, suhu tubuh 38,5 °C, frekuensi jantung 180 kali/menit, frekuensi napas 40 kali/menit, Body Condition Score 7/9, dan status hidrasi yang baik. Pemeriksaan fisik dilakukan untuk mengetahui kondisi pasien. Pencitraan ekokardiografi dilakukan dengan tiga mode yaitu B-mode, M-mode, dan Color Flow Doppler (CFD). Tekanan darah didapatkan menggunakan oscillometry digital. Hasil pemeriksaan ekokardiografi B-mode ditemukan penebalan pada left ventricle wall dan otot papilari serta penyempitan left ventricular internal dimension. Hasil ekokardiografi M-mode menunjukkan adanya peningkatan denyut jantung, interventricular septa, left ventricular posterior wall diastole, ejection fraction, dan fractional shortening serta penurunan left ventricular internal dimension, stroke volume, dan cardiac output. Hasil CFD tidak ditemukan adanya abnormalitas. Pasien berada pada stadium B1 sesuai dengan penggolongan penyakit kardiomiopati menurut American Heart Association dan American College Veterinary Internal Medicine dengan prognosis dubius-fausta. Pengobatan diberikan dalam bentuk suportif dengan Coenzym q10 sebagai antioksidan.
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) is a myocardial dysfunction due to the thickening of the left ventricular wall (LVW) with predispositions to domestic breed, adult, and male cats. This case study aims to analyze the characteristics of HCM in predisposed cats by echocardiography. A physical examination was carried out to determine the patient's condition. Echocardiography was performed in three modes: B-mode, M-mode, and Color Flow Doppler (CFD). Blood pressure was obtained using digital oscillometry. The patient's indications obtained were 6,6 kg body weight, 38,5 °C body temperature, 180 beats/minute heart rate, 40 breath/minute respiratory rate, 7/9 Body Condition Score, and good dehydration with intermittent cough and hypertension as the patient's history. B-mode showed thickening of LVW and papillary muscles with narrowing of left ventricular internal dimension. M-mode showed increased heart rate, interventricular septa, left ventricular posterior wall diastole, ejection fraction, and fractional shortening with decreased left ventricular internal dimension, stroke volume, and cardiac output. CFD results found no abnormalities. The patient was classified in stage B1 according to the classification of cardiomyopathy diseases created by the American Heart Association and American College Veterinary Internal Medicine with a dubious-fausta prognosis. Supportive treatment was given with Coenzym q10 as an antioxidant.
Appears in Collections:UT - Anatomy, Phisiology and Pharmacology

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