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Title: “Balada si Rebin”: An Entertaining Movie to Criticize Students’ Littering Habits
Authors: Putra, Eris Astari
Prandita, Rizki Agung
Rizqya, Elgy Muhammad
Aditya, Febri
Wardhana, Herwin
Agusta, Oldga
Putra, Herdimaz Andika
Aji, Hafil Gusni Santa
Saulia, Lenny
Issue Date: 2023
Abstract: Littering has become a constant habit in the society, the importance of campaign and education about the garbage hazard and its management should be issued. A twenty-minutes duration of entertaining movie was produced to criticize littering habbits of students. The aim of the movie production was to make students as a part of campus community realize and concern with their environment. The movie presents a figure called Rebin, a recycle bin, who observed littering behavior and garbage management in a several place around campus. Several subjects were interviewed randomly in this movie to gather opinions and solutions. The movie does not mean to judge anybody or any institution because this environmental issue is community responsibility.
Appears in Collections:Mechanical & Biosystem Engineering

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