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Title: Kualitas Yogurt Probiotik Susu Kambing dengan Penambahan Ekstrak Rosella dan Uji Penghambatan alfa-Glukosidase secara In Vitro
Other Titles: Quality of Probiotic Goat Milk Yoghurt Supplemented with Roselle Extract and Its α-glucosidase inhibitory test by In Vitro.
Authors: Arief, Irma Isnafia
Batubara, Irmanida
Wihansah, Rifa Rafi'atu Sya'bani
Issue Date: 2018
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Diabetes adalah penyakit metabolik dengan kondisi level glukosa dalam darah yang tinggi melebihi batas normal. Intervensi gaya hidup merupakan pencegahan primer yang efektif dalam kasus diabetes khususnya diabetes tipe 2, termasuk peranan pola konsumsi di dalamnya. Hubungan yang erat antara makanan yang dikonsumsi dengan penyakit mendorong kebutuhan akan makanan yang tidak hanya mengenyangkan, namun memiliki dampak yang baik bagi kesehatan yang kini disebut dengan pangan fungsional. Yogurt probiotik susu kambing dengan penambahan ekstrak rosella (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) merupakan pangan fungsional yang memiliki komponen bioaktif yang dapat menghambat aktivitas enzim α-glukosidase terkait penyakit diabetes. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi aktivitas penghambatan ɑ-glukosidase yogurt probiotik susu kambing dengan penambahan ekstrak rosella secara in vitro dan mengevaluasi kualitas serta aktivitas penghambatan ɑ-glukosidase yogurt probiotik susu kambing dengan penambahan ekstrak rosella selama penyimpanan suhu dingin. Penelitian ini terdiri atas tiga tahap. Tahap pertama yaitu peremajaan starter yogurt dan probiotik, pembuatan serta pengujian aktivitas penghambatan ɑ-glukosidase ekstrak rosella. Tahap kedua yaitu pembuatan yogurt, yogurt probiotik dan yogurt probiotik dengan penambahan ekstrak rosella. Tahap ketiga yaitu analisis kualitas fisik, kimiawi, mikrobiologi, dan aktivitas penghambatan ɑ-glukosidase. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok faktorial. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan analisis ragam, apabila terdapat perbedaan antar perlakuan, dilakukan uji Least Squares Means. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa susu kambing pada penelitian ini memiliki kualitas yang baik. Ekstrak rosella yang digunakan terbukti memiliki nilai IC50 13.64%. Aktivitas penghambatan enzim ɑ-glukosidase nyata dipengaruhi oleh tipe yogurt dan lama penyimapanan suhu dingin serta terdapat interaksi antara keduanya (P<0.05). Viskositas dan aktivitas air yogurt nyata dipengaruhi oleh lama penyimpanan suhu dingin (P<0.05), namun tidak dipengaruhi oleh tipe yogurt serta tidak ada interaksi diantara keduanya. Nilai pH dan total asam tertitrasi nyata dipengaruhi oleh tipe yogurt (P<0.05), namun tidak dipengaruhi oleh lama penyimpanan suhu dingin serta tidak ada interaksi diantara keduanya. Pada total bakteri asam laktat terdapat interaksi diantara lama penyimpanan suhu dingin dan tipe yogurt (P<0.05). Yogurt probiotik dengan penambahan ekstrak rosella memiliki aktivitas penghambatan enzim ɑ-glukosidase yang paling tinggi yaitu sebesar 36.70 % dengan nilai IC50 sebesar 1192 %, namun terjadi penurunan aktivitas penghambatan enzim α-glukosidase selama 15 hari penyimpanan. Selama 15 hari penyimpanan suhu dingin, kualitas fisik, kimiawi dan mikrobiologi yogurt masih baik dan layak untuk dikonsumsi
Diabetes is a metabolic disease with condition of high blood glucose levels exceeding normal limits. Lifestyle interventions, including the role of consumption pattern, are effective for its primary prevention, particularly for type-2 diabetes. The strong relationship between food and disease leads to the needs of foods that not only for filling but also provides health benefit, called functional foods. Probiotic goat milk yoghurt supplemented with roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) extract is a functional food which has bioactive component to inhibit the activity of α-glucosidase enzyme related to diabetes. This study aimed to evaluate the ɑ-glucosidase inhibitory activity of probiotic goat milk yoghurt supplemented with roselle extract by in vitro method and evaluate the quality and ɑ-glucosidase inhibitory activity of probiotic goat milk yoghurt supplemented with roselle extract during cold storage. The study consisted of three stages of experiment. The first stage was subculturing of yoghurt starter and probiotic, roselle extraction and analysis of ɑ-glucosidase inhibition by roselle extract. The second stage was the making of yoghurt, probiotic yoghurt and probiotic yoghurt supplemented with roselle extract. The third stage was analysis of physical, chemical, and microbiological quality, as well as ɑ-glucosidase inhibitory activity. This study used randomized block design-factorial. Data were analyzed using Analysis of variance, the significance was analyzed using Least Squares Means. The results showed that goat milk in this study has a good quality. Roselle extract in this study proved to have IC50 value 13.64%. ɑ-glukosidase inhibitory activity was affected by type of yoghurt and storage time, the interaction between them was significant (P<0.05). Viscosity and water activity were affected by storage time (P<0.05), but type of yoghurt was not significant as well as the interaction. Total titrable acidity and pH value were affected by type of yoghurt (P<0.05) , but the storage time was not significant as well as the interaction. In total lactic acid bacteria, there was an interaction between storage time and type of yogurt (P<0.05). Probiotic yoghurt supplemented with roselle extract has the highest ɑ-glucosidase inhibitory activity with 36.70% inhibition and 1192 % IC50 value among all treatments. The inhibitory activity of probiotic yoghurt supplemented with roselle extract was decreased during 15 days of cold storage. During 15 days of cold storage, Physical, chemical and microbiological quality of yoghurt in this study were good and could be consumed.
Appears in Collections:MT - Animal Science

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