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Title: Analisis Kestabilan Genetik Tebu (Saccharum officinarum L.) Hasil Mikropropagasi dan Dehidrasi untuk Persiapan Kriopreservasi
Other Titles: enetic Stability Analysis of Micropropagated and Dehydrated Sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.) for Cryopreservation
Authors: Efendi, Darda
Tambunan, Ika Roostika
Azizi, Alfia Annur Aini
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: IPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
Abstract: Tebu (Saccharum officinarum L.) merupakan tanaman utama penghasil gula, pada umumnya diperbanyak secara vegetatif. Indonesia merupakan salah satu negara yang diakui sebagai center of origin dan center of biodiversity tebu. Oleh karena itu perlu adanya konservasi plasma nutfah tebu untuk menjaga kekayaan sumber daya genetik. Kekayaan sumber daya genetik adalah modal utama dalam kegiatan pemuliaan tanaman. Metode konservasi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini ialah kriopreservasi secara vitrifikasi. Sebelum dikriopreservasi, tebu diperbanyak melalui teknik kultur jaringan. Teknik kultur jaringan diyakini dapat menghasilkan tunas yang seragam dalam jumlah besar dan identik dengan induknya (true-to-type). Tujuan penelitian adalah mengetahui respon genotipe dan pengaruh tipe eksplan terhadap multiplikasi tunas in vitro pada tiga frekuensi subkultur (subkultur ketiga, keenam, dan kesembilan), mengetahui pengaruh proses multiplikasi tunas in vitro terhadap kestabilan genetik, mengetahui respon genotipe terhadap proses kriopreservasi tunas apikal secara vitrifikasi, dan mengetahui pengaruh proses kriopreservasi terhadap kestabilan genetik. Percobaan pertama ialah multiplikasi tunas in vitro enam genotipe tebu berdasarkan tipe eksplan dan analisis kestabilan genetik menggunakan penanda SSR. Tunas aksilar enam genotipe tebu (PS 881, PS 865, GMP 3, PSJK 922, TK 386, dan PS 862) ditumbuhkan pada media MS + 0.3 mg l-1 BAP + 0.5 mg l-1 IBA + 100 mg l-1 PVP kemudian disubkultur ke media yang sama setiap tiga minggu. subkultur dilakukan hingga subkultur kesembilan. Daya hidup eksplan, daya regenerasi tunas, rata-rata pertambahan tunas per satu tunas eksplan, dan tinggi tunas diamati pada subkultur ketiga, keenam, dan kesembilan. Analisis kestabilan genetik terhadap populasi biakan tebu subkultur ketiga, keenam, dan kesembilan menggunakan 12 pasang primer SSR yang merupakan hasil skrining dari 20 pasang primer SSR. Dua belas pasang primer tersebut adalah SKM 01, SKM 02, SKM 03, SKM 04, SKM 05, SKM 06, SKM 08, SKM 09, SKM 10, SMs 12, SMs 47, dan SMs 48. Hasil percobaan pertama menunjukkan bahwa respon enam genotipe tebu bervariasi dalam multiplikasi tunas in vitro hingga subkultur kesembilan. Satu tunas per eksplan merupakan tipe eksplan yang paling optimal untuk multiplikasi tunas tebu in vitro. Terdapat pengaruh interaksi antara genotipe dan tipe eksplan terhadap daya regenerasi tunas pada subkultur keenam. Populasi biakan tebu masing-masing genotipe, kecuali PS 862, menunjukkan tingkat kestabilan genetik yang tinggi (koefisien kemiripan >94%) pada subkultur ketiga, keenam, dan kesembilan berdasarkan 12 penanda SSR yang digunakan.
Sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.) is the main crop producing sugar in Indonesia, generally propagated vegetatively. Indonesia is one of the countries recognized as a sugarcane center of origin and center of biodiversity. Therefore it is necessary to conserve germplasm of sugarcane to maintain the wealth of genetic resources. The wealth of genetic resources is the main capital for plant breeding activities. The conservation method used in this research is cryopreservation vitrification. Sugarcane was propagated through tissue culture techniques before applying cryopreservation. Tissue culture techniques are believed to produce uniform shoots in large numbers and identical to the mother plant (true-to-type). The aim of this research was to know the genotype response and the influence of the type of eksplan to the multiplication of in vitro shoots at three subculture frequencies (third, sixth and ninth), to know the effect of in vitro shoot multiplication process on genetic stability, to know the genotype response to cryopreservation process of apical shoots vitrification, and to know the effect of cryopreservation process on genetic stability. The first experiment was the multiplication of in vitro shoots of six genotypes of sugarcane by using different type of explants and analysis of genetic stability using SSR markers. Axillary shoots of six genotypes (PS 881, PS 865, GMP 3, PSJK 922, TK 386, and PS 862) were grown on MS medium + 0.3 mg l-1 BAP + 0.5 mg l-1 IBA + 100 mg l-1 PVP then subcultured to the same media every three weeks. Subculture is performed until the ninth subculture. Survival rate of explant, regeneration rate of shoot, average shoot growth per one shoot of explant, and shoot height were observed in the third, sixth, and ninth subcultures. Analysis of genetic stability on the third, sixth, and ninth subculture sugarcane population was conducted by using 12 pairs of SSR primers as the result of screening of 20 pairs of SSR primers. The twelve pairs of primers were SKM 01, SKM 02, SKM 03, SKM 04, SKM 05, SKM 06, SKM 08, SKM 09, SKM 10, SMs 12, SMs 47, and SMs 48. The results showed that the shoot multiplication of six genotypes of sugarcane was different in the ninth subculture. One shoot per explant was the most optimal type of explant for the multiplication of the in vitro sugarcane. There was a significant interaction between the genotype and the type of explant to the regeneration rate of shoot in the sixth subculture. Sugarcane cultures of each genotype, except PS 862, showed a high level of genetic stability (94% coefficient of similarity) in the third, sixth, and ninth subculture based on the 12 SSR markers used.
Appears in Collections:MT - Agriculture

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