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Title: Formula Seed Coating Berbahan Fungisida Nabati untuk Mempertahankan Mutu Benih Kakao (Theobroma cacao L.)
Other Titles: Seed Coating Formula Made from Plant-based Fungicide to Maintain The Quality of Cocoa Seeds (Theobroma cacao L.)
Authors: Sutrisno
Fitri, Izza Khairani
Issue Date: 28-Jun-2023
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Kakao merupakan salah satu komoditas perkebunan terbesar di Indonesia yang berkontribusi sebagai sumber pendapatan devisa negara, dan komoditas yang sangat penting didalam perdagangan dunia. Namun, karena benih kakao masih sering terserang hama dan jamur dan memiliki umur simpan singkat, benih kakao memerlukan penanganan yang tepat. Seed Coating adalah salah satu cara untuk melindungi benih melalui proses pelapisan benih dengan zat tertentu yang dapat mencegah mikroba kontaminan pada benih kakao. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis pengaruh penggunaan seed coating dengan kombinasi beberapa bahan fungisida nabati terhadap mutu benih kakao. Prosedur penelitian meliputi persiapan sampel, pembuatan larutan seed coating, pengaplikasian seed coating, pengamatan selama 14 hari masa simpan pada suhu ruang dan 14 hari pada masa semai. Larutan seed coating dibuat dari pektin dengan tambahan kombinasi minyak serai wangi 3% dan 5%, minyak cengkeh 3% dan 5%, minyak pala 3% dan 5% dan pengemulsi. Pengaplikasian seed coating dilakukan menggunakan metode pencelupan sebanyak satu kali selama lima menit. Seed coating perlakuan P2 merupakan perlakuan paling efektif yang mampu meminimalisir kontaminan sebesar 14,4%, kadar air 40,76%, benih yang berkecambah pada penyimpanan 3,73%, dan benih busuk pada penyimpanan 4,24%, serta daya kecambah 77,66%.
Cocoa is one of the largest plantation commodities in Indonesia which contributes as a source of foreign exchange earnings for the country, and a very important commodity in world trade. However, because cocoa seeds are often attacked by pests and fungi and have a short shelf life, cocoa seeds require proper handling. Seed Coating is one way to protect seeds through the process of coating seeds with certain substances that can prevent microbial contaminants on cocoa seeds. The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of use seed coating with a combination of several plant-based fungicide ingredients against the quality of cocoa seeds. The research procedure includes sample preparation, seed coating solution preparation, application of seed coating, observation for 14 days of storage time at room temperature and 14 days at seedling time. Seed coating solution made from a combination of citronella oil 3% and 5%, clove oil 3% and 5%, nutmeg oil 3% and 5% with pectin and emulsifier. Application of seed coating performed using the immersion method once for five minutes. Seed coating P2 is the most effective treatment which is able to minimize contaminants by 14.4%, moisture content 40.76%, seeds that germinated at storage 3.73%, rotted seeds at storage 4.24%, and germination rate of 77.66%.
Appears in Collections:UT - Agricultural and Biosystem Engineering

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