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Title: Strategi pengelolaan untuk peningkatan operasional Pelabuhan Perikanan Pantai Kuala Tungkal Provinsi Jambi
Other Titles: Port Management Strategy to Improve the Operation of the Kuala Tungkal Coastal Fishing Port in Jambi Province
Authors: Solihin, Iin
Pane, Anwar Bey
Rizkiana, Latifah
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Pelabuhan Perikanan Pantai (PPP) Kuala Tungkal adalah pelabuhan perikanan yang paling besar di Provinsi Jambi. Pelabuhan ini terletak di Kabupaten Tanjung Jabung Barat Provinsi Jambi. Berdasarkan pengamatan terhadap aktivitas PPP Kuala Tungkal dan wawancara terhadap pihak pengelola PPP Kuala Tungkal diketahui bahwa secara operasional pelabuhan perikanan belum sepenuhnya berjalan dengan baik yang mengindikasikan sama terhadap kinerja operasionalnya. Hal tersebut dapat terlihat dari kurangnya aktivitas kepelabuhanan perikanan di PPP Kuala Tungkal seperti sedikitnya jumlah kapal motor yang mendaratkan ikan hasil tangkapan di PPP Kuala Tungkal, belum tercukupinya pelayanan bahan kebutuhan melaut untuk nelayan, seperti masih kurangnya ketersediaan es, Bahan Bakar Minyak (BBM) solar dan air bersih. Pendangkalan di kolam pelabuhan diduga juga menjadi penyebab mayoritas kapal nelayan tidak mendaratkan ikan di PPP Kuala Tungkal. Penelitian ini bertujuan: (1) Menentukan tingkat nilai kinerja pengelolaan pelabuhan terkait operasional (PPP) Kuala Tungkal; (2) Analisis tingkat harapan/kebutuhan nelayan terhadap pelayanan operasional dan fasilitas yang diberikan pengelola PPP Kuala Tungkal; dan (3) Mendapatkan strategi pengelolaan pelabuhan untuk meningkatkan operasional PPP Kuala Tungkal. Metode yang digunakan adalah studi kasus. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah (1) Deskriptif komparatif, (2) Importance Performance Analysis (IPA), dan (3) analisis SWOT. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Kinerja operasional PPP Kuala Tungkal baik berdasarkan perhitungan standar indikator operasional DJPT (4 607.0) maupun berdasarkan perhitungan kapasitas terpasang kolam pelabuhan (1 928.3) yang berada pada selang pengambilan keputusan JK<4 704, berarti kinerja operasional PPP Kuala Tungkal untuk kedua jenis indikator tersebut adalah sangat buruk untuk variabel-variabel operasional produksi ikan hasil tangkapan, banyak kapal mendaratkan ikan di pelabuhan, penyediaan bahan perbekalan melaut, kedalaman kolam pelabuhan, dan dermaga pendaratan ikan (bongkar dan muat), sehingga perlu adanya upaya peningkatan kinerja pada setiap variabelnya. Berdasarkan analisis Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) diketahui bahwa harapan nelayan terhadap pelayanan dan fasilitas operasional pelabuhan yang dirasa belum terpenuhi atau membutuhkan prioritas utama untuk diperbaiki oleh pihak pengelola pelabuhan adalah kondisi kedalaman kolam pelabuhan, pelayanan aktivitas pelelangan ikan, pelayanan fasilitas perbaikan kapal (docking kapal); kecukupan jumlah es; kecukupan jumlah BBM solar, pelayanan air bersih dan kecukupan jumlah air bersih.
Coastal Fishing Port (CFP) Kuala Tungkal was the largest fishing port in Jambi Province. This port was located in Tanjung Jabung Barat Regency, Jambi Province. Based on observations to the Kuala Tungkal CFP activities and interviews with the Kuala Tungkal CFP management, it was known that the fishing port operation has not been fully well-operated, which indicates that the port manager's operational performance has not been well managed. This could be seen from the lack of fishing port activities at the Kuala Tungkal CFP, such as the small number of motor boats in landing their fish caught at the Kuala Tungkal CFP, low fulfilling to the need of fishing services for fishermen, such as the lack of ice availability, diesel fuel and clean water. In addition, the siltation of the port pond was also believed to be the cause of the majority of fishing vessels not to land their caught to the Kuala Tungkal CFP. The purposes of this study were: (1) determine the level of performance value of Kuala Tungkal's operational-related port management (CFP); (2) Analysis of the level of expectation/need of fishermen for operational services and facilities provided by the Kuala Tungkal CFP manager; and (3) Obtaining a port management strategy to improve the Kuala Tungkal PPP operation. The research uses a case study method.The data are analized by using (1) comparative descriptive, (2) Importance Performance Analysis (IPA), and (3) SWOT analysis. The result showed that the operational performance of the Kuala Tungkal CFP both based on the calculation of the DJPT operational indicator standard of 4 607.0 and based on the calculation of the installed capacity of the port pool of 1 928.3 which was at the JK decision making interval <4 704 which means the operational performance of the Kuala Tungkal CFP for both types of indicators were very bad, such as in operational variables of the production of fish catches, the numbers of ships landing their caught in the port, the fulfillment of supplies for fishing, the depth of the port pond, and the fishing port to (unloading and to load) the fish, so there needs to be an effort to improve the performance on each variable. Based on the Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) analysis, it was known that the fishermen's expectations of port operational services and facilities should be improved by the port manager were, the condition of the port pond depth, service of fish auction activities, service of ship repair facilities (ship docking facilities); sufficient amount of ice; the sufficient amount of diesel fuel; clean water service and adequate amount of clean water.
Appears in Collections:MT - Fisheries

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