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Title: Kinerja Rantai Pasok Gula Semut CV Menoreh Politan di Kabupaten Kulon Progo
Other Titles: Supply Chain Performance of Coconut Sugar in CV Menoreh Politan
Authors: Nurmalina, Rita
Tinaprilla, Netti
Fadhilah, Annisa Fajar
Issue Date: 2018
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Gula semut atau coconut sugar merupakan salah satu produk agroindustri yang memiliki banyak manfaat dari sisi ekonomi maupun kesehatan. Potensi gula semut ini perlu diperhatikan bagaimana kinerja rantai pasok yang terlibat di dalamnya. Usaha ini harus diikuti oleh usaha sistem rantai pasok yang baik, melalui integrasi dan koordinasi rantai pasok gula semut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk : (1) menganalisis kondisi rantai pasok gula semut; (2) mengukur kinerja rantai pasok gula semut; (3) mengukur efisiensi kinerja rantai pasokan gula semut. Penelitian ini menggunakan satu perusahaan, yaitu CV Menoreh Politan, 58 petani gula semut, dan 8 pengepul. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data primer dan data sekunder. Data diolah ke dalam tiga tahapan. Analisis pertama merupakan analisis rantai pasok gula semut dengan menggunakan metode Food Supply Chain Networks (FSCN). Kinerja rantai pasok gula semut akan diukur dengan membandingkan nilai variabel input dan output kinerja rantai pasok pada petani mitra dan perusahaan dengan nilai superior pada food SCORcard. Variabel input kinerja rantai pasok petani mitra berupa siklus pemenuhan pesanan, fleksibilitas rantai pasok, biaya total rantai pasok, cash to cash cycle time, dan persediaan harian, sedangkan variabel output kinerja rantai pasok berupa kinerja pengiriman, pemenuhan pesanan, dan kesesuaian dengan standar. Efisiensi kinerja rantai pasok gula semut dilakukan dengan metode Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) dengan asumsi constant return to scale (CRS). Kondisi rantai pasok gula semut CV Menoreh Politan dilihat dari FSCN yang melibatkan beberapa anggota yaitu terdiri dari petani mitra, pengepul, perusahaan CV Menoreh Politan dan buyer. Aliran barang, aliran uang dan aliran informasi dilihat dari FSCN sudah dilaksanakan cukup baik dari hulu ke hilir oleh setiap anggota rantai pasok, namun penerapan manajemen dalam rantai pasok belum berjalan dengan baik, salah satunya dapat dilihat dari sumber daya yang dipakai yaitu dari peralatan yang dipakai kurangnya memperhatikan hygienitas sehingga berpengaruh terhadap pemenuhan pesanan di petani. Kinerja rantai pasok gula semut CV Menoreh Politan berdasarkan kriteria SCOR card sudah memiliki kriteria yang baik, namun dari sekian atribut kinerja, atribut biaya dan atribut siklus pemenuhan pesanan/order fulfillment cycle time merupakan atribut kinerja yang masih perlu ditingkatkan. Analisis efisiensi petani dengan menggunakan Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) diperoleh tingkat efisiensi petani. Yang telah beroperasi secara efisien yaitu sebesar 24.14 persen petani mitra, sedangkan sisanya 75.86 persen petani mitra belum mencapai tingkat efisiensi yang maksimal. Ketidakefisienan petani sebagian besar disebabkan oleh biaya rantai pasok, dan pemenuhan pesanan.
Coconut sugar is one of the agroindustry products that have many benefits. Coconut sugar has many nutrients and also low levels of sugar in it. Potential coconut sugar need to be considered how the performance of the supply chain involved in it. This effort should be followed by a good supply chain system, through the integration and coordination of the supply chain of coconut sugar. This research aims to: (1) analyze the supply chain conditions of coconut sugar in Kulon Progo; (2) measure the supply chain performance of coconut sugar in Kulon Progo; (3) measure the efficiency of supply chain performance of coconut sugar in Kulon Progo. This research used a company, namely CV Menoreh Politan, 58 coconut sugar farmers that were CV Menoreh politan partners, and 8 collectors. The data that was used in this research are primary and secondary. The data wass processed into three stages. The first analysis was analys of the coconut sugar supply chain using the Food Supply Chain Networks (FSCN) method. The performance of the supply chain of coconut sugar will be measured by comparing the input and output variable of farmers and company supply chain performance with superior value on food SCORcard. The input variables on farmers supply chain performance were the order fulfillment cycle time, supply chain flexibility, the supply chain total cost, cash to cash cycle time, and daily supplies, while output variables on farmers supply chain performance were delivery performance, order fulfillment, and conformance to standards. Supply chain performance efficiency of coconut sugar was did by Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) method with constant return rate (CRS) assumption. The condition of supply chain of coconut sugar CV Menoreh Politan seen from FSCN involving several members that consisted of partner farmers, collectors, CV Menoreh Politan companies and buyer. The flow of goods, the flow of money and the flow of information viewed from the FSCN has been implemented quite well from upstream to downstream by every member of the supply chain, but the application of management in the supply chain has not gone well, one of which can be seen from the resources used of the equipment used lack of attention to hygienitas so as to affect order fulfillment in farmers. The performance of supply chain of coconut sugar CV Menoreh Politan based on criteria SCOR card already has good criteria, but from the attribute of performance, attribute cost and attribute of order fulfillment cycle time is performance attribute which still need to be improved. Analysis of farmer efficiency by using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) obtained farmer efficiency level. It has operated efficiently 24.14 percent farmer while the remaining 75.86 percent farmers of CV Menoreh Politan have not reached the maximum efficiency level. The inefficiency of farmers is largely due to supply chain costs, velocity of company money that is too long.
Appears in Collections:MT - Economic and Management

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