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Title: Pengembangan sistem pendukung manajemen ketahanan pangan berastingkat kabupaten
Other Titles: Development of Rice-food Security . Management Support System in District Level
Authors: Ma'arif, M. Syamsul
Fardiaz, Dedi
Saillah, Illah
Adiyatna, Hendra
Issue Date: 2012
Publisher: IPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
Abstract: Meningkatnya pembangunan ekonomi di sektor industri, sentra bisnis dan perumahan telah mengkibatkan tingkat penyusutan lahan pertanian sernakin besar. Hal ini terjadi terutarna di wilayah kabupaten-kabupaten di Pulau Jawa yang merupakan pemasok utama kebutuhan beras nasional. Jika hat ini tidak dikendalikan, selain akan rnengancam upaya swasembada beras juga akan mengakibatkan ketahanan pangan secara nasional akan menurun, dan dikhawatirkan akan menurunkan kualitas sumber daya manusia Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengembangkan Sistem Pendukung Manajemen Ketahanan Pangan Beras untuk membantu Pemerintah Kabupaten menjaga ketahanan pangan beras pada aspek ketersediaan dan keterjangkauan. Metode pemodelan sistem pendukung manajemen tersebut dilakukan dengan pendekatan sistem rnelalui analisis kebutuhan dan identifikasi sistem input-output yang menghasilkan referensi sejumlah model yang relevan dengan problem entity aspek ketersediaan dan keterjangkuan beras. Model tersebut adalah Model Kecukupan Beras (Mokuber), Model Harga beras (Mohaber)~ Model Kinerja Ketahanan Pangan Beras (Mokiber), Model Persediaan Beras (Modiaber) dan Model Simulasi Logistik Beras (Mosilober). Mokuber ditujukan untuk memberikan inforrnasi tentang kecukupan beras pada setiap kecamatan. Mohaber ditujukan untuk mengendalikan harga beras pada setiap kecamatan. Mokiber ditujukan untuk mengetahui kinerja ketahanan pangan beras dan faktor-faktor · penyebabnya. Modiaber ditujukan untuk menginformasikan tingkat persediaan beras pada gudang kecamatan, rayon dan pusat serta kinerja pelayanan pada gudang pusat. Mosilober ditujukan untuk menginforrnasikan prediksi produksi, konsumsi, harga beras, jumlah cadangan beras, kebutuhan anggaran operasional dan subsidi raskin serta kondisi pengendalian harga beras.
Rice has become the staple food for the maJonty of Indonesian people. Therefore, The goverment of Indonesia put strong effort to provide rice continously. However, The availability, sustainability and security of the staple food are still a big issue in Indonesia. particularly rice-producing districts are switching functions of agricultural land into industrial, residential and business zones. The aim of this research is to design the model of rice food security system. The function of the model is to monitor and control the rice food security in availability and accessibility aspects in the regency level. This model was designed to fulfill the needs of the goverment in national and local (district), communities, farmers, collectors, dealers, traders and · non-governmental organizations. Structure of the model developed is a Decision. Support System (DSS) is equipped with model rule base and executive information. The DSS comprises the following models : (1) the rice sufficiency, (2) the rice price, (3) the rice inventory, (4) food security performance, and (5) the rice food security simulation by Monte· Carlo methods. Based on the data obtained in Mei 2010 from 23 districts in the Bekasi Regency, we found that 5 districts had critical rice insufficiency. 6 district had performance status at level below acceptable standard. The rice price was still in the limited control status but it was trend to achieve high level limit, and had to take price stabilitation action by market operation. The results of model simulation verification based on data in 2010 showed that the condition of sufficiency of rice in the district of Bekasi in a state of surplus, the amount of raskin operating budget of Rp. 652 million issued by Bekasi District Goverment and rice subsidy budget of Rp. 14.78 billion issued by the Central Government of Republic Indonesia.
Appears in Collections:DT - Agriculture Technology

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