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Title: The income distribution and employment in desa Sumberejo, kecamatan Pandaan kabupaten Pasuruan
Authors: Swenson, C. Geoffrey
Anwar, Affendi
Sajogyo, Sajogyo
Adimuljo, R. Kabul Santoso Mangku
Issue Date: 1977
Abstract: The overall objectives of the study were to know about the effect of economic growth on income distribution. The specific objectives of this study were: to measure the distribution of income and employment for all rural socio-economic groups in a given area; to identify the socio-economic factors which determine the rate of income based on employment done by various rural socio-economic groups, and to provide possible policy implication resulting from the analysis. To measure the various sources of income and employ- ment among the socio-economic groups the focus of this study was the village of sumberejo, in Kecamatan Pandaan, Kabupaten Pasuruan. Two surveys were undertaken to measure household's income, the first survey was taken in June 1976 and the second survey in October 1976. The sample was taken on all job activities by way of a proportional stratified random sampling. The 170 house- holds sample were divided into 10 categories of job activities. Data was collected for all sources of income including both agricultural and non agricultural sources. In the agregate, the non-agricultural sources of income are relatively important for the agricultural households. Total income from agriculture and non agriculture indicate that the production of paddy was the most important source of income (63.9%), followed by income from non agricultural sources (26.4%). The source of income from other activities within agriculture is the third most important source if income (7.8%), with other crop being the least important source of income (2%). The comparison between income sources from agriculture and non agricultural sources in total income from all sources shows that agricultural activities income is higher (56.3%), than the latter (47.3%). The largest proportion of both number employed and number of working hours occured for the group employed as a combination farmer/industrial laborer. Even though the total number employed as farmers was highest (22%), the total employment in farming as measured by the number of working hours, was relatively low (7.5%). In contrast the industrial laborers, who accounted for 9.7 percent of the total number employed, had 19.1 percent of the total number of working hours. The calculation of the average working hours shows that the dst…
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