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Title: Kebijakan pengembangan ekonomi lokal industri alas kaki berkelanjutan di Kecamatan Ciomas Kabupaten Bogor
Other Titles: Policy of Local Economic Development Sustainable Shoes Industry, Case Study at Ciomas Bogor Regency
Authors: Siregar, Hermanto
Budiharsono, Sugeng
Ridwan, Wonny Ahmad
Kusumawati, Riny
Issue Date: 2010
Publisher: IPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
Abstract: lndustri alas kaki merupakan salah satu sektor kunci dalam perekonomian Kabupaten Bogor karena memiliki kontribusi yang cukup besar dalam pengembangan ekonomi lokal, peningkatan pendapatan pemerintah dan dalam upaya mengurangi angka kemiskinan dan pengangguran. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis dampak aktivitas perekonomian industri alas kaki terhadap lingkungan baik mikro maupun makro, khususnya di Kecamatan Ciomas Kabupaten Bogor. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis usaha, analisis regresi linear berganda dengan metode two stage least square, analisis input output lingkungan, analisis keberlanjutan dan penilaian terhadap pengembangan ekonomi lokal (ALEDIA) yang merupakan modifikasi dari analisis RALED dan analisis interpretative structural modelling (ISM). Model regresi pertama yang dihasilkan adalah : volume produksi dugaan = 15.172 + 0.252 tenaga kerja + 0.771 bahan baku + 16.214 dummy teknologi produksi. Sedangkan model regresi kedua yang dihasilkan adalah : volume limbah = 18.141 + 0.685 volume produksi dugaan. Berdasarkan hasil analisis regresi terlihat bahwa terdapat hubungan yang searah dan pengaruh yang signifikan antara limbah dengan produksi alas kaki dan antara produksi alas kaki dengan tenaga kerja, biaya bahan baku dan teknologi produksi. Arah hubungan yang searah dapat dilihat dari tanda koefisien regresi yang positif. Berdasarkan hasil analisis regresi tersebut terlihat bahwa setiap penambahan tenaga kerja sebanyak 1 orang/bulan akan menambah volume produksi sebesar 0.252 kodi/bulan. Demikian pula setiap penambahan bahan baku sebanyak Rp 1 feet/bulan akan menyebabkan penambahan pada volume produksi sebesar 0.771 kodi/bulan. Sedangkan setiap penambahan produksi sebesar 1 kodi/bulan akan menghasilkan limbah sebanyak 0.685 kg/bulan. Pada variabel teknologi produksi karena bersifat dummy, diharapkan dengan semakin baik teknologi produksi alas kaki akan menyebabkan produksi yang dihasilkan semakin meningkat.
Shoes industry is an important sector which contributes significantly to the national and local government's revenue and advantages to the local community to reduce unemployment and poverty. The objective of this research is to analyze local economic development of sustainable shoes industry and to design a sustainable policy concept with Appraisal for Local Economic Development for Shoes Industry, especially at Ciomas Bogor Regency. This research is using financial analysis, multiple regression analysis, environmental input output analysis, appraisal for local economic development for shoes industry (ALEDIA), modification from RALED-SBH and interpretative structural modelling (ISM). The result show that shoes business at Bogor Regency without environmental internalization is feasible because the value of revenue per cost is 1.58, the value of break even point is 59.05 kodi/month and the average profit is Rp 14,013, 100/month. With environmental internalization, the result show that shoes business at Bogor Regency is still feasible because the value of revenue per cost is 1.55, the value of break even point is 61. 79 kodi/month and the average profit is Rp 13, 768,433.33/month. Environmental input output analysis shows that economic activities have impact to the environment and shoes industry use water direct and indirect as a production input 26,659,394.24 litre and contributes BOD 1,264 mg/litre/year and COD 14,370 mg/litre/year. The sustainability index of shoes industry at Ciomas is bad/unsustainable (34.84 ). Based on the strategic policy implementation, the sustainability index of shoes industry at Ciomas Bogor Regency is become good/sustainable (55.82). The policy of Local Economic Development Sustainable Shoes Industry at Ciomas Bogor Regency is financing fasility, protecting local economic development especially shoes business at Ciomas Bogor Regency and marketing promotion. Because from the interpretative structural modelling analysis show that the three policies are on the independence sector (kuadran IV). The three policies have the strong driver power and the low dependence.
Appears in Collections:DT - Multidiciplinary Program

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