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Title: Kajian Peran Karbon Tersimpan dalam Penyusunan Strategi Diplomasi Lanskap Mangrove
Other Titles: Study of Carbon Stock Mangrove in Regulating a Strategy of Landscape Mangrove Diplomacy
Authors: Kaswanto
Inayah, Audia
Issue Date: 14-Jun-2023
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Lanskap mangrove termasuk vegetasi yang rentan terhadap perubahan iklim. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui estimasi karbon tersimpan di atas permukaan tanah (Above Ground Carbon - AGB) dari lanskap mangrove DKI Jakarta melalui 2 metode yang berbeda, yaitu alometrik Komiyama (2005) dan penginderaan jauh data citra Sentinel-2A. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan AGB dari alometrik Komiyama dilakukan uji korelasi dengan nilai NDVI citra Sentinel-2A untuk menentukan model pendugaan AGC mangrove citra Sentinel-2A. Didapatkan persamaan regresi non-linear yaitu 0.0154e14.325x dengan R2 = 0.7835. Nilai R2 menunjukkan korelasi yang tinggi antar data. Hasil pendugaan karbon tersimpan menggunkan persamaan alometrik diketahui sebesar 338.2 ton/ha. Sebaliknya, berdasarkan citra Sentinel-2A, sekitar 170.67 ton/ha. Lanskap mangrove DKI Jakarta didominasi oleh jenis Rhizophora mucronata (67.54%). Tersebar di seluruh lokasi penelitian, meliputi Ekosistem Mangrove Pemancingan Galatama, Kawasan Ekosistem Mangrove Blok Elang Laut, Suaka Margasatwa Muara Angke, dan Ekowisata Mangrove Angke. Nilai indeks keanekaragaman, indeks keseragaman, dan indeks dominansi lanskap mangrove DKI Jakarta berada pada kategori rendah hingga sedang. Selain itu, banyak faktor yang mempengaruhi pertumbuhan dan perkembangan lanskap mangrove DKI Jakarta antara lain tekstur tanah, kandungan sedimen, suhu di lokasi penelitian, dan pengaruh aktivitas manusia terhadap lanskap mangrove. Berdasarkan analisis definisi diplomasi, diketahui tiga aspek penyusun dalam implementasi diplomasi lanskap mangrove: aktor, isu lingkungan, dan negosiasi. Indonesia menjadi aktor utama dalam menjalankan diplomasi. Selain itu, penelitian ini berfokus pada ekosistem mangrove secara utuh dan keterkaitannya dengan dokumen Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) Indonesia. Setiap negara memiliki dokumen NDC sendiri yang berisikan target untuk menekan kenaikan suhu bumi. Indonesia telah mengirimkan tiga dokumen NDC pada tahun 2016 (NDC I), 2021 (NDC II), dan 2022 (Enhanced NDC, atau ENDC). Semua dokumen tersebut telah disinergikan dengan peraturan lingkungan hidup yang berlaku Indonesia. Di tambah, melalui Program Rehabilitasi ekosistem mangrove seluas 600.000 ha di 9 provinsi, literatur stok karbon mangrove Indonesia dan data stok karbon mangrove DKI Jakarta dapat digunakan sebagai strategi negosiasi. Jika rehabilitasi berhasil dilaksanakan dan Indonesia dapat mencapai target NDC pada aspek Kehutanan dan Tata Guna Lahan (FOLU). Hal ini juga dapat meningkatkan citra Indonesia secara global sebagai negara adidaya di sektor mangrove
Due to high rates of deforestation, mangrove ecosystems are sensitive to climate change impacts. This study aimed to estimate the above-ground carbon (AGC) of DKI Jakarta's mangrove landscape using two methods, namely Komiyama's allometric (2005) and Sentinel-2 imagery. The result of Komiyama's allometric equations correlated with the NDVI values of Sentinel-2 imagery to investigate the non-linear regression equation for estimating the AGC of mangroves using Sentinel-2 imagery. The non-linear regression equation was 0.0154e14.325x with R2 = 0.7835. The value of R2 indicated a high correlation between the data. The estimation of carbon stock by using allometric equations has been known to be about 338.52 tons/ha. Other hands, by Sentinel-2A imagery were about 170.67 ton/ha. DKI Jakarta's mangrove landscape was dominated by Rhizophora mucronata (67.54%). It is distributed in all research locations, such as the Mangrove Ecosystem of Galatama Pond Fishing, Elang Laut Block Mangrove Ecosystem Area, Muara Angke Wildlife Sanctuary, and Angke Mangrove Ecotourism. The value of the diversity index, uniformity index, and dominance index of DKI Jakarta's mangrove landscape was in the low to medium category. In addition, many factors affect the growth and development of DKI Jakarta's mangrove landscapes, including soil texture, sediment content, temperature at the study site, and the influence of human activities on the mangrove landscape. Based on the analysis of diplomacy definition, three constituent aspects of the implementation of mangrove landscape diplomacy were known: actor, environmental issue, and negotiation. Indonesia is the main actor that enforces diplomacy. The environment issue focused on mangrove ecosystems and referred to the Indonesia Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) document. Every country has its own NDC document that consists of its targets for combating climate change. Indonesia has sent three NDC documents in 2016 (NDCs I), 2021 (NDCs II), and 2022 (Enhanced NDCs, or ENDCs). All the documents have already been synchronized with Indonesian environmental regulations and the results of the global climate agreement. Through the Rehabilitation Program for the 600.000 ha mangrove ecosystem in 9 provinces, the literature on Indonesia's mangrove carbon stock and the data on DKI Jakarta's mangrove carbon stock could be used as bargaining strategies in negotiations. If the rehabilitation is successfully implemented, Indonesia could achieve NDC targets in the Forestry and Land Use (FOLU) sector. It could also boost Indonesia's image globally as a superpower country in the mangrove sector
Appears in Collections:MT - Multidiciplinary Program

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