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Title: Dampak leberalisasi perdagangan terhadap keragaan industri gula Indonesia: suatu analisis kebijakan
Other Titles: The Impact -of Trade Liberalization on the Performance of Indonesian Sugar Industry: A Policy Analysis
Authors: Sinaga, Bonar M.
Kuntjoro, Sri Utami
Ratnawati, Anny
Sudaryanto, Tahlim
Soetrisno, Noer
Abidin, Zainal
Issue Date: 2000
Publisher: IPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
Abstract: lndustri gula Indonesia sudah berlangsung sejak lebih dari satu abad yang lalu. Keberhasilan industri gula dinikmati penjajah jauh sebelum Indonesia merdeka. Peranannya yang strategis dimasa sekarang maupun yang akan datang, dengan berbagai masalah yang timbul dalam memasuki era liberalisasi perdagangan, menjadi fenomena baru bagi industri gula Indonesia. Penelitian int bertujuan menganalisis dampak liberalisasi perdagangan terhadap keragaan industri gula domestik. Model lndustri Gula Indonesia yang simultan dan dinamik dibangun dan diduga dengan metode Two Stage Least Squares. Metode Stepwise autoregresive dan exponential smoothing digunakan untuk memperoleh data ramalan variabel eksogen. Simulasi historis (ex-post) dan peramalan (ex-ante) menggunakan metode solusi Newton. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ( 1) di negara eksportir, tingkat produksi menjadi pertimbangan yang utama dalam mengekspor; sedangkan di negara importir pertimbangan utamanya adalah harga impor dan tingkat konsumsi, (2) intervensi pasar negara eksportir maupun importir akan mempengaruhi harga gula dunia, (3) kebijakan kemandirian produksi gula domestik akan memperbaiki keragaan industri gula domestik pada era liberalisasi perdagangctn, dan (4) akses kredit, penerapan teknologi (budidaya dan pengolahan) serta perluasan areal menjadi faktor penentu keberhasilan dalam memperbaiki keragaan industri gula domestik.
Sugar industry in Indonesia have existed since a century ago. The success of sugar industry was enjoyed by the colonizers far before the Indonesian independence day. The strategic roles at present and in the future with their complex problems which appear in entering trade liberalization era become new phenomena for Indonesian sugar industry. , This study aims at analyzing the impact of trade liberalization on the ◄ performance of domestic sugar industry. The Model of Indonesian Sugar Industry was build and estimated by Two Stage Least Squares method • which is simultaneous and dynamic. Stepwise Autoregressive and , · Exponential Smoothing methods are used to obtain forecasting data for exogenous variables. Historical (ex-post) and forecasting (ex-ante) simulations using Newton solution method. The results show that (1) in exporter countries, production level become the main consideration in sugar export, while in importer countries, the main consideration is import price and the consumption level, (2) market intervention of exporter and importer countries will influence the world sugar price, (3) self reliance policy of domestic sugar production will improve domestic sugar industry performance in the era of trade liberalization, and (4) the accessibility of credit, the application of , technology effectivity ( cultivation and processing) and are expansion become decisive factors for the success for the improvement of the performance of Indonesian sugar industry.
Appears in Collections:DT - Economic and Management

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