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Title: Hubungan Dinamika dan Peran Kelompok Tani dengan Kapasitas Penangkar Benih Sumber Padi Sawah di Lampung Timur
Other Titles: Relationship of The Dynamics and Role of Group with Capacity of Farmers as Rice Seed Breeders in East Lampung
Authors: Saleh, Amiruddin
Purnaningsih, Ninuk
Putra, Robinson
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Upaya pemerintah mewujudkan swasembada pangan perlu didukung sumber daya petani, sarana (benih) dan prasarana, serta kelompok tani. Kelompok tani dapat berperan sebagai kelas belajar, wadah kerjasama, unit produksi dan unit pemasaran hasil dalam mewujudkan swasembada pangan misalnya menyediakan benih unggul bermutu. Penelitian bertujuan untuk: (1) menganalisis dinamika kelompok tani, peran kelompok tani dan kapasitas petani penangkar benih di Kabupaten Lampung Timur; (2) menganalisis hubungan karakteristik anggota kelompok tani dengan dinamika dan peran kelompok di Kabupaten Lampung Timur; (3) menganalisis hubungan dinamika dan peran kelompok tani dengan kapasitas petani penangkar benih sumber di Kabupaten Lampung Timur; (4) menganalisis hubungan dinamika kelompok tani dengan peran kelompok tani penangkaran benih di Kabupaten Lampung Timur; dan (5) merumuskan strategi meningkatkan kapasitas petani penangkar benih melalui optimalisasi peran kelompok tani dan dinamika kelompok tani.
Government effort to bring food self sufficiency into reality needs to be supported by farmers as human resources, means (seed) and infrastructure, and farmer groups. A farmer group could serve as learning class, cooperative unit, production unit, and marketing unit in achieving food self sufficiency, such as providing superior seed quality. This study aimed to: (1) analyse the dynamics of farmer groups, role of farmer groups, dan capacity of farmers as rice seed breeders in East Lampung Regency; (2) analyse the relationship of farmer group’s characteristics with the dynamics and the role of farmer group in East Lampung Regency; (3) analyse the relationship of the dynamics and the role of farmer group with the capacity of farmers as rice seed breeder in East Lampung Regency; (4) analyze the relationship between the dynamics of farmer group and the role of farmer as seed breeder in East Lampung regency; and (5) formulate a strategy to increase the capacity of farmers as seed breeders by optimizing the role and the dynamics of farmer group.
Appears in Collections:MT - Human Ecology

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