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Title: Karakteristik Daerah Penangkapan Lobster Berdasarkan Aspek Biologi dan Teknologi di Teluk Palabuhanratu
Other Titles: Characteristics of Lobster Fishing Ground Based on Biological and Technological Aspects in Palabuhanratu Bay
Authors: Simbolon, Domu
Yusfiandayani, Roza
Sabila, Fathiha Rizki
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Penurunan produktivitas tangkapan dan pengurangan ukuran panjang (size) lobter yang ditangkap nelayan di Palabuhanratu dewasa ini kemungkinan disebabkan oleh perubahan lingkungan perairan dan tekanan teknologi penangkapan ikan yang cenderung memanfaatkan lobster secara besar-besaran. Namun informasi tersebut masih terbatas akibat aktivitas riset yang belum dilakukan. Terbatasnya informasi tentang daerah penangkapan. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu menentukan karakteristik daerah penangkapan lobster berdasarkan aspek biologi dan teknologi serta memetakan daerah penangkapan lobster potensial. Data yang dikumpulkan antara lain produksi unit penangkapan jaring insang dasar, trammel net, dan pancing selama penelitian, ukuran panjang karapas dan berat lobster, jenis dan metode pengoperasian alat tangkap, spot penangkapan, kondisi armada. Data jenis, metode pengoperasian alat tangkap, dan kondisi spot penangkapan diperoleh melalui wawancara teknik purposive sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan nelayan di Teluk Palabuhanratu mengoperasikan alat tangkap jaring insang dasar, trammel net dan pancing untuk menangkap lobster. Hasil tangkapan lobster yang sesuai dengan ukuran layak tangkap adalah lobster pasir sebanyak 80,4%; lobster mutiara sebanyak 60%; dan lobster bambu sebanyak 68,4%. Evaluasi daerah penangkapan lobster berdasarkan aspek teknologi terhadap alat tangkap dan metode penangkapan adalah pancing, sedangkan terkait armada penangkapan trammel net lebih baik. Daerah penangkapan lobster terdiri dari 6 zona penangkapan. Zona penangkapan lobster potensial yaitu zona Cimaja.
The decline in catch productivity and reduction in the length (size) of lobster caught by fishermen in Palabuhanratu today is probably due to changes in the aquatic environment and pressure from fishing technology which tends to use lobsters on a large scale. However, this information is still limited due to research activities that have yet to be carried out—limited information about fishing areas. This study aimed to determine the characteristics of lobster fishing grounds based on biological and technological aspects and map potential areas. The data collected included the production of fishing units for gillnets, trammel nets, and hand line during the study, the size of the carapace length and weight of the lobsters, the type and method of operating the fishing gear, the fishing spot, and the condition of the fleet. Data on species, operating method of fishing gear, and fishing spot conditions were obtained through purposive sampling technique interviews. The results showed that fishermen in Palabuhanratu Bay operate gillnets, trammel nets, and hand lines to catch lobsters. The catch of lobsters according to the proper size for catching were sand lobsters, as much as 80.4%, pearl lobsters, as much as 60%, and bamboo lobsters, as much as 68.4%. Evaluation of lobster fishing areas based on technological aspects of fishing gear and fishing methods is hand lines, while the trammel net fishing fleet is better than other gear. The lobster fishing area consists of 6 fishing zones. The potential lobster-catching zone is the Cimaja zone.
Appears in Collections:UT - Fisheries Resource Utilization

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