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Title: Perkuatan Parameter Kuat Geser Tailing dengan Metode Soybean Crude Urease Calcite Precipitation (SCU-CP)
Other Titles: Strengthening of Tailings Shear Strength Parameters using Soybean Crude Urease Calcite Precipitation (SCU-CP)
Authors: Putra, Heriansyah
Mubarrak, Ramadhita Adji
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Industri pertambangan menghasilkan limbah tailing dalam jumlah besar. Pemanfaatan tailing sebagai bahan konstruksi telah banyak dilakukan, namun belum optimal dari segi kekuatan. Upaya perbaikan tailing dapat dengan pemadatan dan metode Soybean Crude Urease Calcite Precipitation (SCU-CP). Penelitian bertujuan menganalisis pengaruh perbaikan tanah secara mekanik dengan pemadatan dan secara kimiawi dengan larutan SCU-CP, serta kombinasinya terhadap nilai kohesi dan sudut gesek dalam. Pengujian meliputi pengujian sifat fisik, kepadatan Proctor, pembuatan larutan, dan geser langsung. Sampel tailing diuji dalam dua kondisi, yaitu tanpa larutan SCU-CP (untreated) dan dengan larutan SCU-CP (treated) pada kepadatan 90%, 70%, dan 50%. Semakin tinggi tingkat kepadatan maka semakin besar nilai kohesi. Kohesi tertinggi dicapai pada kepadatan 90%, yaitu 15,64 kPa. Perbaikan kimiawi dengan larutan SCU-CP meningkatkan nilai kohesi sebesar 31% pada tingkat kepadatan 70%. Peningkatan sudut gesek dalam setelah diberi larutan SCU-CP dapat mencapai 36%. SCU-CP yang dikombinasikan dengan pemadatan dapat dijadikan sebagai pendukung dalam menambah kekuatan tailing dengan usaha pemadatan yang lebih kecil.
The mining industry produces large amounts of tailings. The use of tailings as a construction material has been carried out, but it is not optimal. Tailing strength can be improved by compaction and the Soybean Crude Urease Calcite Precipitation (SCU-CP) method. The aim of this study was to analyze the effect of soil improvement mechanically by compaction and chemically by SCU-CP solution, as well as their combination on the value of cohesion and internal friction angle. Tests include testing the physical properties, Proctor density, solution preparation, and direct shear. Tailings samples were tested in two conditions, without SCU-CP solution (untreated) and with SCU-CP solution (treated) at densities of 90%, 70% and 50%. The higher the density level, the greater the cohesion value. The highest cohesion was achieved at 90% density, 15.64 kPa. Chemical repair with SCU-CP solution increased the cohesion value by 31% at 70% density level. The increase in the internal friction angle after being given SCU-CP solution can reach 36%. Improvements with SCU-CP combined with compaction can be used as a support in increasing the strength of tailings with less compaction effort.
Appears in Collections:UT - Civil and Environmental Engineering

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