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Title: Pengaruh Pemupukan Terhadap Kelimpahan Dan Komposisi Makroinvertebrata Tanah Pada Lahan Pertanaman Caisim (Brassica rapa L.)
Other Titles: The Effect Of Fertilization On The Abundance And Composition Of Soil Macroinvertebrates On Mustard (Brassica rapa L.) Plantations
Authors: Priawandiputra, Windra
Atmowidi, Tri
Ridho, M. Rasyid
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Caisim (Brassica rapa L.) merupakan tanaman yang bernilai ekonomi bagi manusia. Pemberian pupuk memengaruhi produktivitas tanaman dan komposisi fauna tanah. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis pengaruh pemberian pupuk terhadap kelimpahan dan keanekaragaman makroinvertebrata tanah. Plot penanaman diberi perlakuan dengan pupuk yang berbeda. Pengambilan sampel makroinvertebrata dilakukan dengan metode hand sorting dan pitfall trap yang dilakukan selama tiga periode yaitu sebelum penanaman, ketika penanaman dan setelah tanaman dipanen. Pitfall trap digunakan pada saat periode masa tanam, sedangkan pada periode sebelum penanaman dan setelah tanaman dipanen digunakan metode hand sorting. Hasil penelitian dikoleksi 699 individu dari 16 famili dan 20 morfospesies. Keanekaragaman makroinvertebrata tanah tertinggi ditemukan pada periode setelah tanaman dipanen. Jumlah individu terbanyak ditemukan pada kontrol, diikuti pada tanaman yang diberikan pupuk organik dan individu terendah ditemukan pada perlakuan pupuk NPK.
Mustard (Brassica rapa L.) has an economical important for humans. Fertilizer application affects plant productivity and soil fauna composition. This study aims to analyze the effect of fertilizer application on the abundance and diversity of soil macroinvertebrates. The planting plots were treated with different fertilizers. Sampling was carried out by hand sorting and pitfall trap methods in three periods, i.e., before planting, during planting and after the plants were harvested. Pitfall traps were used during the planting period, while in the period before planting and after harvested was used hand sorting method. Results showed 699 individuals belong to 16 families and 20 species were collected. The highest diversity of soil macroinvertebrates was found in the period after harvested. The highest number of individuals was found in the control, followed by the plots with organic fertilizer and the NPK fertilizer treatment.
Appears in Collections:UT - Biology

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