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Title: Analisis Persentase Bobot Karkas dan Potongan Komersial Ayam IPB-D1 pada Pemeliharaan Sistem Free-Range
Other Titles: Analysis of Carcass Weight and Commercial Cuts Percentage of IPB-D1 Chickens Reared on a Free-Range System.
Authors: Afnan, Rudi
Darwati, Sri
Dama, Daryani
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Ayam IPB-D1 merupakan rumpun baru lokal komposit yang memiliki keunggulan lebih dari tetuanya. Pemeliharaan ayam ini dilakukan dengan sistem free-range untuk mengurangi tingkat stres. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis persentase bobot karkas dan potongan komersial ayam IPB-D1 umur 12 minggu dengan pemeliharaan sistem free-range di UP3J Fakultas Peternakan IPB. Bahan yang digunakan terdiri dari masing-masing 15 ekor ayam IPB-D1 setiap jenisnya. Data pada penelitian ini dianalisis secara deskriptif untuk membandingkan persentase bobot karkas ayam jantan dan ayam betina. Ayam IPB-D1 jantan dan betina memiliki bobot potong sebesar 901,33 g dan 639,13 g. Persentase bobot karkas ayam IPB-D1 jantan dan betina berturut-turut sebesar 59,82% dan 57,42%. Persentanse bobot karkas ini tidak menunjukkan perbedaan yang nyata antara jantan dan betina, namun terdapat perbedaan yang nyata pada persentase bobot potongan komersial bagian paha atas, paha bawah, dan bagian ceker. Ayam IPB-D1 jantan memiliki persentase bobot potongan komersial lebih tinggi daripada ayam IPB-D1 betina free-range.
IPB-D1 chicken is a new local composite breed that has superiority compared to its predecessor. The chickens were reared with a free-range system to lower the stress level. The aim of this study is to analyze the carcass weight and commercial cuts percentage of 12-week-old IPB-D1 chickens which was reared on a free-range system UP3J Faculty of Animal Science, IPB University. The materials that were used were 15 IPB-D1 chickens for each sex. Data was analyzed descriptively to compare the carcass weight percentage of female and male chickens. Male and female IPB-D1 chickens had slaughter weight of 901,33 g and 638,12 g respectively. The carcass weight percentages of male and female IPB-D1 chickens carcasses were 59,82% and 57,42% respectively. The carcass weight percentage of 12-week-old IPB-D1 chickens reared on a free-range system didn’t show significant difference between males and females. But, there were significant differences on the commercial cuts namely, thigh, drumstick, and feet. Male IPB-D1 chickens had a higher commercial cut weight percentage than the females in free-range.
Appears in Collections:UT - Animal Production Science and Technology

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