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Title: Pengaruh Pemanfaatan Kompos Diperkaya FABA terhadap Sifat-Sifat Kimia Tanah di Perkebunan Nanas PT. Great Giant Pineapple
Other Titles: The Influence of FABA Enriched Compost Utilization on Soil Chemical Properties at Pineapple Plantation PT. Great Giant Pineapple
Authors: Iskandar, Iskandar
Oktariani, Putri
Limin, Atfritedy
Putri, Aulya
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Penurunan sifat-sifat kimia tanah di PT. Great Giant Pineapple (GGP) terjadi akibat budidaya monokultur jangka panjang, penggunaan pupuk kimia secara intensif, serta jenis tanah yang didominasi oleh Ultisol. Perbaikan kualitas tanah dapat dilakukan melalui pemberian bahan pembenah tanah. Usaha perbaikan telah dilakukan oleh PT. GGP melalui pengembalian bahan organik sisa panen serta pengaplikasian kompos, namun hasil yang diperoleh belum terlihat nyata sehingga diperlukan kompos yang diperkaya dengan bahan pembenah tanah lain. Pemanfaatan limbah abu batubara atau fly ash-bottom ash (FABA) sebagai bahan pembenah tanah yang dikombinasikan dengan kompos dapat memperbaiki kualitas tanah dengan lebih efektif. Percobaan melalui pemberian kompos+FABA secara tebar dengan dosis 50 ton/ha dan secara palir (jalur tanam) dengan dosis 25 ton/ha, 15 ton/ha, dan 5 ton/ha dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh perlakuan terhadap sifat kimia tanah. Parameter karakteristik kimia tanah yang diamati meliputi pH, kejenuhan Al, C-organik, N-total, P-total, P-tersedia, basa-basa dapat ditukar, KTK, dan kejenuhan basa. Aplikasi kompos diperkaya FABA secara palir dengan dosis 25 ton/ha berpengaruh nyata dan menghasilkan sifat kimia tanah terbaik, diantaranya meningkatkan C-organik, N-total, P-total, P-tersedia, K-dd, Ca-dd, Mg-dd, Na-dd, KTK, dan kejenuhan basa, serta menurunkan kejenuhan Al.
Degradation of soil chemical properties at PT. Great Giant Pineapple (GGP) occurs as a result of long-term monoculture cultivation, intensive use of chemical fertilizers, and soil types which are dominated by Ultisols. Soil quality improvement can be done through the application of soil ameliorants. PT. GGP has made efforts to improve soil quality by returning organic matter and applying compost, but the results have not been obvious so compost must be enriched with other soil ameliorants. Utilization of coal ash waste (fly ash-bottom ash or FABA) as soil ameliorant combined with compost can improve soil quality more effectively. Experiments were carried out by applying compost+FABA in broadcast technique at dose of 50 tons/ha and palir technique (planting lines) at doses of 25 tons/ha, 15 tons/ha, and 5 tons/ha to determine the effect of treatment on soil chemical properties. Parameters of soil chemical properties were observed for pH, Al saturation, organic-C, total-N, total-P, available-P, exchangeable bases, CEC, and base saturation. Application of FABA enriched compost in palir technique at dose of 25 tons/ha had a significant effect and produced the best soil chemical properties, including increasing organic-C, total N, total P, available P, exchangeable-K, -Ca, -Mg, and -Na, CEC, base saturation, and also decrease Al saturation.
Appears in Collections:UT - Soil Science and Land Resources

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