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Title: Pemanfaatan Asap Cair Tempurung Kelapa dalam Air Minum terhadap Gambaran Darah Puyuh Periode Grower
Authors: Ulupi, Niken
Maheshwari, Hera
Novytasary, Desky
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Puyuh merupakan unggas yang paling kecil dan mampu berproduksi dalam waktu cepat. Namun demikian puyuh sangat rentan terhadap stres yang dapat menurunkan daya tahan tubuh. Asap cair mengandung senyawa fenol yang dapat berperan sebagai antioksidan. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis penambahan asap cair tempurung kelapa sebagai antioksidan terhadap gambaran darah puyuh periode grower (konsumsi minum, konsumsi pakan, jumlah eritrosit, kadar hemoglobin, persentase hematokrit, jumlah leukosit, dan diferensiasi leukosit). Penelitian ini menggunakan 150 ekor puyuh betina umur 21-42 hari. Metode penelitian menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) terdiri atas 5 perlakuan dan 3 ulangan, yaitu P0 (kontrol), P1 (0,25 mL), P2 (0,50 mL), P3 (0,75 mL) dan P4 (1 mL) L-1 air minum. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan penambahan asap cair tempurung kelapa dosis L-1 menghasilkan sel darah merah, hematokrit, sel darah putih normal dan nilai H/L terendah. Penambahan asap cair dalam air minum dengan dosis 0,75 mL L-1 dapat menurunkan stres oksidatif akibat cekaman panas.
Quail is the smallest poultry and has the ability to produce quickly. However quail is very sensitive to stress which can reduce the body's resistance. Liquid smoke contains phenol as antioxidant. This study aims to analyze the addition of coconut shell liquid smoke as antioxidant to the appearance of grower period quail’s blood (erythrocyte count, hemoglobin level, hematocrit percentage, leukocyte count, leukocyte differentiation, feed consumption, and drink consumption). This study used 150 female quails aged 21-42 days. The study method used a completely randomized design (CRD) consisting of 5 treatments and 3 replications, namely P0 (control), P1 (0,25 mL), P2 (0,50 mL), P3 (0,75 mL) and P4 (1 mL) in L-1 of drinking water. The results showed that the addition of coconut shell liquid smoke at dose 0,75 mL L-1 produced normal red blood cells, hematocrit, white blood cells and the lowest H/L. The addition of liquid smoke at dose 0,75 mL L-1 could reduce oxidative stress due to heat stress.
Appears in Collections:UT - Animal Production Science and Technology

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