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Title: Pengembangan usaha penangkapan Madidihang skala kecil secara berkelanjutan di Kabupaten Seram Bagian Barat
Other Titles: Sustainable Development of Small-Scale Yellowfin Tuna Fishing in Western Seram District
Authors: Simbolon, Domu
Purbayanto, Ari
Taurusman, AM Azbas
Tawari, Ruslan HS
Issue Date: 2013
Publisher: IPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
Abstract: Penelitian ini secara umum bertujuan untuk menyusun rancangan model pengembangan usaha penangkapan madidihang skala kecil di Kabupaten Seram Bagian Barat secara berkelanjutan. Tujuan khusus penelitian ini adalah untuk: (1) menentukan faktor-faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap produktivitas usaha penangkapan madidihang, (2) menentukan jenis armada penangkapan dan alokasi jumlah optimumnya, (3) mendesain sistem penanganan ikan madidihang di atas kapal dan pemasarannya, (4) menentukan sistem bagi hasil antara pemilik modal dan ABK, dan (5) menentukan strategi pengembangan perikanan tuna skala kecil di perairan Seram Bagian Barat dan sekitarnya.
This research is aimed to propose a model of sustainable development of small-scale tuna fishing in Western Seram district. The specific objective of this study are: (1) to determine influencing factors on fishing productivity; (2) to determine the fishing boats and their optimum numbers; (3) to design fish processing and marketing of yellowfin tuna; (4) to propose a fair and sustainable sharing system between the capital owners and the crews; (5) and to determine a development strategy of small-scale fishing in Western Seram and its surrounding waters. In order to achieve these objectives, the data were analysed by means of several statistical techniques: All factors influencing fishing productivity was analyzed by means of a Structure Equation Model (SEM).
Appears in Collections:DT - Fisheries

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