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Title: Perancangan Proses Co-composting dan Nano Teknologi untuk Penanganan Limbah Padat Industri Gula
Other Titles: Design of Co-composting Process and Nano Technology to Handling of Solid Waste of Sugar Industry
Authors: Indrasti, Nastiti Siswi
Suprihatin, Suprihatin
Maddu, Akhiruddin
Ismayana, Andes
Issue Date: 2014
Publisher: IPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
Abstract: Sebagaimana agroindustri lainnya, industri gula tebu memiliki tantangan besar dalam pemanfaatan yang tepat dari limbah padatnya, yaitu bagas, blotong dan abu ketel. Bagas telah banyak digunakan secara luas sebagai bahan bakar saat produksi gula, dan sisanya digunakan sebagai pakan, pupuk organik, pulp, papan partikel, dan kanvas rem. Pemanfaatan bagas lainnya yang sedang dikembangkan adalah pembuatan amylase, asam sitrat, dan selulosa asetat. Blotong dimanfaatkan juga sebagai bahan produksi kompos (bersama-sama dengan abu ketel) dan juga sebagai briket bahan bakar. Abu ketel memiliki potensi dalam produksi gel silika
As of other agro-industries, sugarcane industry has also a major challenge in the proper utilization of its solid waste, namely, bagasse, filter cake, and boiler ash. In practice, bagasse has been used extensively as feed for boiler for sugarcane processing, however, the rest is usually used for animal feed ingredients, organic fertilizer, pulp, particle board, and brake pad. Advanced technique has also been developed for production of chemicals such as amylase, citric acid and cellulose acetate from the bagasse. Filter cake, has been used for the production of compost (either solely or mixed with boiler ash), and has also been compacted into briquettes for fuel. The boiler ash, while is less interesting to use, has also had a potential use in the production of silica gel.
Appears in Collections:DT - Agriculture Technology

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