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Title: Keanekaragaman dan Kelimpahan Dua Famili Kumbang Kanopi pada Empat Tipe Penggunaan Lahan di Lanskap Hutan Harapan, Jambi
Other Titles: Diversity and Abundance of Two Canopy Beetle Families in Four Landuse Types at Harapan Rainforest, Jambi.
Authors: Buchori, Damayanti
Istiaji, Bonjok
Anggrahini, Desi
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Pembukaan lahan hutan menjadi kawasan perkebunan menyebabkan penurunan berbagai spesies flora dan fauna di wilayah tropis, tidak terkecuali di Indonesia. Salah satu yang terdampak besar adalah penurunan kelimpahan dan kekayaan spesies serangga, diantaranya kumbang Elateridae dan Staphylinidae. Penelitian ini bertujuan memelajari pengaruh perbedaan waktu dan perubahan tata guna lahan terhadap keanekaragaman dan komposisi kumbang Elateridae dan Staphylinidae di beberapa wilayah Hutan Harapan, Jambi, Sumatra. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode pengasapan kanopi pohon pada empat tipe penggunaan lahan: hutan, hutan karet, perkebunan karet, dan perkebunan kelapa sawit. Pada masing-masing tipe penggunaan lahan, terdapat empat plot inti dan pada setiap plot terdapat tiga subplot sebagai ulangan. Serangga dikumpulkan dalam delapan perangkap (ukuran 1 m × 1 m) yang dipasang di bawah tajuk tanaman sebelum proses pengasapan. Sampel yang telah dikumpulkan, disortir, dan diidentifikasi. Kumbang Elateridae ditemukan sebanyak 527 individu yang terdiri dari 3 subfamili, 10 genus, dan 18 morfospesies, sedangkan kumbang Staphylinidae ditemukan sebanyak 694 individu yang terdiri dari 11 subfamili, 16 genus, dan 47 morfospesies. Perbedaan tipe penggunaan lahan mempengaruhi kekayaan spesies kumbang Elateridae dan Staphylinidae, tetapi perbedaan tipe penggunaan lahan tidak mempengaruhi kelimpahan spesies kumbang Elateridae dan Staphylinidae.
Transformation of forest land into plantation areas has resulted in the decline of various species of flora and fauna in the tropics, including Indonesia. One of the major impacts is the decrease in the abundance and richness of insect species, including Elateridae and Staphylinidae beetles. This reserach was aimed to study the effect of time and landuse change toward the diversity and abundance of Elateridae and Staphylinidae beetles in Hutan Harapan landscape in Jambi, Sumatra. Sampling was carried out using the tree canopy fogging method on four types of land use: forest, jungle rubber, rubber plantation, and oil palm plantation. In each land use type, there are four core plots and in each core plot, there are three subplots. Insects were collected in 8 traps (1 m × 1 m) installed under the plant canopy before the fumigation process. Samples that have been collected, sorted, and identified. The Elateridae beetles were found in as many as 527 individuals consisting of 3 subfamilies, 10 genera, and 18 morphospecies. While Staphylinidae beetles were found as many as 694 individuals consisting of 11 subfamilies, 16 genera, and 47 morphospecies. Different types of land use affect the species richness of Elateridae and Staphylinidae beetles, but differences in land use types do not affect the abundance of Elateridae and Staphylinidae beetles species.
Appears in Collections:UT - Plant Protection

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