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dc.contributor.advisorAstarini, Julia Eka-
dc.contributor.advisorSimbolon, Domu-
dc.contributor.authorZura, Muhammad Farhan Najmi-
dc.description.abstractKegiatan penangkapan pada kapal cast net 51-100 GT membutuhkan berbagai komponen perbekalan. Perbekalan yang dibawa selama ini selalu mengalami kekurangan karena trip operasinya cukup lama, yaitu sekitar 3-4 bulan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kondisi umum, mengidentifikasi jenis perbekalan, menghitung kebutuhan perbekalan aktual, dan mendeskripsikan penanganan perbekalan pada unit penangkapan cast net. Penelitian yang dilaksanakan di Pelabuhan Perikanan Samudera Nizam Zachman Jakarta dilakukan dengan metode survei menggunakan teknik wawancara. Teknik pengambilan sampel dengan purposive sampling. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif secara kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kapal cast net 51-100 GT menggunakan alat tangkap jala jatuh dengan target tangkapan utamanya adalah cumi-cumi. Jenis perbekalan yang digunakan pada unit penangkapan cast net terdiri perbekalan solar, air bersih, minyak pelumas, dan konsumsi. Kebutuhan biaya untuk perbekalan kapal cast net 51-100 GT adalah Rp 1.708.072.500,00/unit/tahun yang dialokasikan untuk solar 88,72%, minyak pelumas 1,54%, air bersih 0,18%, dan perbekalan konsumsi 9,56%. Tindakan yang dilakukan jika perbekalan tidak mencukupi selama kegiatan penangkapan yaitu pengiriman perbekalan dari fishing base ke fishing ground oleh pemilik kapal. Adapun tindakan saat perbekalan berlebih dibagikan kepada rombongan nelayan lain saat menuju fishing
dc.description.abstractFishing activities on 51-100 GT cast net vessels require various components of supplies. The supplies carried during this time always experience a shortage because the operation trip is around 3-4 months long. The study aims to describe the general condition of cast net fisheries, identify the types of supplies in the cast net fishing unit, calculate the actual supply needs in the cast net fishing unit, and describe the handling of supplies in the cast net fishing unit. The research was conducted at the Nizam Zachman Ocean Fishing Port Jakarta using a survey method using interview techniques. The sampling technique was purposive sampling. The data analysis used was descriptive quantitative and qualitative analysis. The results showed that 51-100 GT cast net vessels use fall net fishing gear, with the main target catch being squid. The supplies used in cast net fishing units consist of diesel fuel, clean water, lubricating oil, and consumption. The cost requirement for supplies for 51-100 GT cast net vessels was IDR 1,704,232,500.00/unit/year, allocated for diesel fuel 88.52%, lubricating oil 1.76%, clean water 0.18%, and consumption supplies 9.54%. The action taken if there are insufficient supplies during fishing activities is the delivery of supplies from the fishing base to the fishing ground by the boat owner. The actions are taken when the excess supplies are distributed to other fishing groups heading to the fishing
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleKebutuhan Perbekalan Melaut pada Unit Penangkapan Cast Net 51-100 GT di Pelabuhan Perikanan Samudera Nizam Zachman
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordcast netid
Appears in Collections:UT - Fisheries Resource Utilization

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