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Title: Kriteria dan Faktor Kunci Keberhasilan Social Start-up Sektor Pertanian dalam Meningkatkan Skala Dampak Sosial
Other Titles: Determination of Success Criteria and Critical Success Factors for Agricultural Social Startups in Scaling Social Impact
Authors: Cahyadi, Eko Ruddy
Anggraeni, Elisa
Tsurayya, Silmi
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Fenomena social start-up, yang didefinisikan sebagai organisasi yang berusaha mencapai misi dan tujuan sosial melalui pendekatan bisnis, berkembang pesat dalam beberapa tahun terakhir. Mayoritas social start-up di Indonesia bergerak di sektor pertanian. Perbedaan yang mendasar pada tujuan dan aktivitas bisnis social start-up dengan organisasi profit dan non-profit membuatnya lebih sulit untuk mendefinisikan keberhasilanya. Untuk mendukung keberhasilan social start-up sektor pertanian, sangat penting untuk memahami indikator keberhasilan dan faktor-faktor apa saja yang mempengaruhi keberhasilannya. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan indikator kinerja utama (IKU) sebagai rumusan kriteria keberhasilan social start-up sektor pertanian dan menentukan faktor kunci keberhasilannya. Studi kasus dilakukan terhadap empat social start-up pertanian. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara terstruktur dengan alat bantu kuesioner terhadap delapan pakar yang merupakan praktisi dari empat social start-up pertanian. Analytical hierarchy process (AHP) digunakan untuk menentukan IKU berdasarkan tingkat kepentingannya. Selanjutnya, integrasi analytical hierarchy process (AHP) dan interpretive structural modeling (ISM) digunakan untuk menentukan faktor kunci keberhasilan. Pengintegrasian AHP dan ISM akan memberikan pemahaman menyeluruh terkait faktor kunci keberhasilan berdasarkan tingkat kepentingannya, hubungan keterkaitan antar faktor, dan hierarkinya. Sebelas IKU telah teridentifikasi sebagai kriteria keberhasilan social start-up yang terdiri dari lima sasaran dampak terpenting yaitu kesehatan keuangan petani, akses harga yang lebih baik dan stabil, kesetaraan dan keadilan sosial, profitabilitas pertanian, serta ketersediaan dan keragaman pangan. Penggunaan 11 IKU yang diusulkan dapat membantu social start-up menghasilkan laporan kinerja dampak yang menyeluruh. Selanjutnya, hasil AHP menunjukkan bahwa dimensi ekosistem kewirausahaan sosial merupakan dimensi terpenting yang paling mendukung keberhasilan social start-up, diikuti oleh orientasi kewirausahaan sosial dan kemampuan organisasi. Sepuluh faktor terpenting berdasarkan hasil AHP adalah social innovativeness, sustainability orientation, human capital, geographic potential, cultural conditions, financial facilities, infrastructure, market conditions, social mission orientation, dan social proactiveness. Faktor-faktor yang berada pada level terbawah struktur ISM adalah government policy, financial facilities, social mission orientation, dan communicating. Hasil integrasi AHP–ISM menunjukkan bahwa faktor yang menjadi kunci keberhasilan social start-up sektor pertanian adalah financial facilities pada dimensi ekosistem kewirausahaan sosial dan social mission orientation pada dimensi kemampuan organisasi. Hal ini dapat menjadi dasar bagi para pemangku kepentingan yang terlibat untuk lebih memusatkan perhatian pada kedua faktor tersebut.
In recent years, there has been a growing phenomenon in social startups, defined as organizations that seek to achieve social missions and goals through a business approach, developing rapidly. Most social startups in Indonesia are engaged in agriculture. It is more difficult to define the success of a social startup due to the differences between its goals and the activities of those for-profit and non-profit organizations. To assist social startups in reaching success, it is crucial to clearly understand the indicators of the success of agricultural social start-ups and what factors influence their success. Therefore, this study aims to determine the key impact performance indicators (KPIs) and the critical success factors (CSFs) for Indonesian agricultural social startups in scaling social impact. We applied multi-case studies approach to four Indonesian agricultural social startups. In total, eight experts from four social startups participated in this study. Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) is used to determine KPIs based on their level of importance. Furthermore, the integration of the analytical hierarchy process (AHP) and interpretive structural modelling (ISM) is used to determine the CSFs. Integrating AHP and ISM will provide a broader and thorough understanding of the CSFs, based on their level of importance, interrelationships between factors, and hierarchy. Eleven KPIs have been identified as success criteria for agricultural social startups. Eleven KPIs have been identified as agricultural social start-up success criteria consisting of the five most important impact targets: the financial health of farmers, access to better and more stable prices, equity and social justice, agricultural profitability, and food availability and diversity. Adopting 11 recommended KPIs would enable social startups to generate a comprehensive impact performance report. Furthermore, the results of the AHP analysis revealed that the social entrepreneurship ecosystem dimension was the most important dimension for the success of agricultural social start-ups, followed by social entrepreneurship orientation and organizational capabilities. According to AHP, the ten CSFs were social innovativeness, sustainability orientation, human capital, geographic potential, cultural conditions, financial facilities, infrastructure, market conditions, social mission orientation, and social proactiveness. The lowest level of the ISM structure consists of government policy, financial facilities, social mission orientation, and communicating. The integration of AHP–ISM found that the key factors for the success of agricultural social start-ups were financial facilities in the social entrepreneurship ecosystem dimension and social mission orientation in the organizational capabilities dimension. This becomes the justification for the stakeholders to focus more on these two factors.
Appears in Collections:MT - Economic and Management

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