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Title: Faktor-Faktor Lingkungan Penentu Keanekaragaman Kupu-Kupu di Hutan Kota Srengseng, Jakarta Barat
Authors: Ginoga, Lin Nuriah
Hermawan, Rachmad
Amalia, Edja Rasya
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Faktor-faktor lingkungan penentu yang memengaruhi keanekaragaman kupu-kupu di Hutan Kota Srengseng dapat menjadi informasi dasar pengelolaan habitatnya. Penelitian bertujuan mengukur faktor lingkungan penentu (pakan larva, pakan kupu-kupu, tumbuhan shelter, suhu, kelembapan, Leaf Area Index, kecepatan angin, kebisingan, dan sumber air) serta menganalisis hubungannya dengan keanekaragaman kupu-kupu. Mengukur keanekaragaman, kekayaan, kemerataan, kesamaan, dominansi, menggambarkan sebaran spasial kupu-kupu berdasarkan perbedaan kondisi biofisik tapak. Hasil penelitian menemukan area depan dipengaruhi tumbuhan shelter, pakan kupu-kupu, pakan larva, kebisingan, kecepatan angin, suhu. Area belakang dipengaruhi sumber air, kelembapan, LAI. Area tengah tidak dipengaruhi faktor lingkungan apapun. Sebanyak 36 jenis kupukupu dari 5 famili ditemukan: Hesperiidae 3 jenis, Lycaenidae 8 jenis, Nymphalidae 14 jenis, Papilionidae 5 jenis, Pieridae 6 jenis. Keanekaragaman dan kekayaan jenis tertinggi diperoleh area depan (H’= 3,063; Dmg= 6,435), kemerataan jenis tertinggi diperoleh area tengah (E= 0,664), kesamaan jenis tertinggi diperoleh area tengah dan belakang (Sj= 0,62). Area depan merupakan lokasi paling mendukung keanekaragaman kupu-kupu karena didukung faktor tumbuhan pakan larva dan kupu-kupu, tumbuhan shelter, LAI, dan sumber air.
Determinant environmental factors affecting butterfly diversity in Srengseng City Forest could be used as information for its habitat management. Research aimed to measure determinant factors (larval and butterfly foodplant, shelter plant, temperature, humidity, Leaf Area Index, wind speed, noise, water sources) as well as analyzing their relationship with butterfly diversity. Measure diversity, richness, evenness, similarity, dominance and spatial distribution of butterfly species based on site biophysical conditions differences. Results found front area affected by shelter plants, butterfly and larval foodplants, noise, wind speed, temperature. Back area affected by water source, humidity, LAI. Middle area was not affected by any environmental factors. As many as 36 species of butterflies from 5 families were found: Hesperiidae 3 species, Lycaenidae 8 species, Nymphalidae 14 species, Papilionidae 5 species, Pieridae 6 species. Highest diversity and richness in front area (H'= 3,063; Dmg= 6,435), highest evenness in middle area (E= 0,664), highest similarity in middle and rear area (Sj= 0,62). Front area supported butterfly diversity the most because it was supported by foodplants for larvae and butterflies, shelter plants, LAI, and water source.
Appears in Collections:UT - Conservation of Forest and Ecotourism

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