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Title: Optimasi Model Daya Dukung Budaya Di Kawasan Ekowisata Bopunjur Jawa Barat
Other Titles: Optimization of the Cultural Carrying Capacity Model in Bopunjur Ecotourism Area
Authors: Avenzora, Ricky
Malihah, Elly
Sunarminto, Tutut
Widodo, Gatot
Issue Date: 9-Jan-2023
Publisher: IPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
Abstract: Selain memberikan berbagai multiplier economy benefits, keuntungan ekonomi ganda, sektor pariwisata juga berpotensi menimbulkan berbagai social negative impacts yang bersifat krusial, masif dan laten, sehingga menimbulkan berbagai domino effect luas yang mengarah kepada culture degradation, kerusakan budaya. Hal ini sangat mudah untuk dipahami, karena Kawasan Ekowisata Bopunjur selain menjadi kawasan andalan wisata nasional, kawasan ini juga terletak dekat dengan Ibukota Negara Indonesia, dan dikelingi oleh 20 juta populasi penduduk yang tersebar di Kabupaten dan Kota Bogor, Cianjur, Sukabumi, Bekasi dan Jakarta. Situasi ini menyebabkan Kawasan Ekowisata Bopunjur memiliki tingkat interaksi sosial yang sangat tinggi, yang sangat rentan dengan konflik sosial, yang apabila tidak bisa dikelola dan diatasi dengan baik dan benar, maka situasi dan kondisi ini akan meruntuhkan tata nilai budaya kawasan, yang merupakan nafas dan sendi-sendi kehidupan masyarakat. Daya dukung secara umum adalah kemampuan suatu sumber daya tertentu, di ruang atau tempat tertentu dalam mengampu atau menyangga suatu kegiatan tertentu, dalam waktu tertentu dengan situasi tertentu. Daya dukung bersifat dinamis, berubah setiap saat, bisa naik dan bisa turun, tergantung kepada tingginya tingkat interaksi sosial dari suatu kegiatan yang berlangsung. Daya dukung budaya mengacu pada kemampuan tata nilai budaya dalam mengatur, menopang dan mengampu semua kegiatan manusia di dalam kehidupan masyarakat sehari-hari, yang pada dasarnya menyangkut empat hal, yaitu (1) siapa bertemu dengan siapa; dimana tempat pertemuan itu; (3) melibatkan atribut kegiatan apa; dan (4) menimbulkan efek apa. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah: (1) mengidentifikasi tata nilai budaya masyarakat; (2) mengkonfirmasi tata nilai budaya masyarakat saat ini; (3) mengevaluasi/melakukan assessment dengan mengimplementasikan tata nilai sosial yang bisa memicu terjadinya dinamika sosial budaya, rentang interaksi sosial seperti: perang, konflik, disosiasi, kondusif, asosiasi, kooperasi, dan kolaborasi produktif; (4) menganalisis kondisi kehidupan sosial-budaya di masyarakat; (5) mendesain model daya dukung budaya berdasarkan hasil analisa kondisi kehidupan sosial-budaya masyarakat; (6) menvalidasi model daya dukung budaya; dan (7) merumuskan strategi optimasi model daya dukung budaya. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Kawasan Ekowisata Bopunjur Kabupaten Bogor Jawa Barat, suatu kawasan ekowisata yang ditetapkan oleh pemerintah pusat (Kemenparekraf) melalui Perpres No. 54/2008 yang kemudian diperbaharui dengan Perpres No. 60/2020 menjadi Kawasan Destinasi Wisata Andalan Nasional, tepatnya di tujuh destinasi ekowisata yaitu Ciawi, Caringin, Cibogo, Cipayung, Megamendung, Cisarua, dan Tugu. Pemilihan lokasi penelitian didasarkan atas beberapapertimbangan, yaitu: (1) desa tersebut dikategorikan sebagai desa wisata yang tergolong tradisional yang berada di tiga kecamatan: Ciawi, Megamendung, dan Cisarua, (2) memiliki sumberdaya alam dan budaya yang potensial dan beranekaragam untuk dijadikan objek dan daya tarik ekowisata, dan (3) lokasi penelitian merupakan salah satu jalur utama perlintasan wisatawan menuju objek wisata unggulan, Puncak Bogor. Penelitian dilakukan selama sepuluh bulan yaitu mulai bulan April 2021 s.d. Januari 2022. Responden terdiri dari 7 kelompok yaitupemerintah, LSM, tokoh adat, tokoh agama, tokoh pendidikan, masyarakat local, dan pelaku pariwisata, yang masing-masing kelompok berjumlah 160 orang berbasis informan-responden dengan proporsi 30 orang informan dan 130 orang responden. Pada dasarnya polarisasi orientasi pemangku kepentingan atas daya dukung budaya Kawasan Ekowisata Bopunjur terkait pada faktor tingginya diferensiasi sistem kesadaran pemangku kepentingan dalam mengelola daya dukung budaya, hal ini merupakan modal sosial dalam penciptaan daya dukung budaya. Daya dukung budaya Kawasan Ekowisata Bopunjur belum sepenuhnya tercapai dikarenakan masih adanya polarisasi persepsi para pemangku kepentingan pada berbagai aspek dan kriteria penilaian. Polarisasi orientasi pemangku kepentingan tentang berbagai aspek daya dukung budaya memiliki kategori “sedang” (skor mendekati angka 4). Tata nilai sosial budaya di Kawasan Ekowisata Bopunjur dipengaruhi kuat oleh penduduk asli Sunda dengan berbagai karakteristik khasnya. Arus pengembangan pariwisata tidak menjadikan Bopunjur larut pada tata nilai sosial budaya baru. Optimasi model daya dukung budaya dapat diperoleh dengan strategi sebagai berikut: pertama, revitalisasi tata nilai budaya inti masyarakat dengan melibatkan secara aktif semua pemangku kepentingan; kedua optimalisasi pemanfaatan sumberdaya ekowisata secara bijak dengan tetap mengedepankan tiga pilar ekowisata yakni: sosial budaya, ekologi dan ekonomi; ketiga, optimalisasi potensi masyarakat lokal untuk dapat bekerjasama dalam pembangunan ekowisata secara terukur dan berkelanjutan. Kata Kunci : Bopunjur, Daya Dukung Budaya, Interaksi, Optimasi Model
In addition to providing various multiplier economic benefits, the tourism sector also has the potential to cause a variety of social negative impacts that are crucial, massive, and latent, causing widespread domino effects that lead to cultural degradation. This is very easy to understand, because the Bopunjur Ecotourism Area is being a mainstay of national tourism, this area is also located near the Capital of the State of Indonesia, and this area is surrounded by population of 20 million people spread across the regencies and cities of Bogor, Cianjur, Sukabumi, Bekasi and Jakarta. This situation causes the area to have a very high level of social interaction, which is very vulnerable to social conflict, which if cannot be managed and handled properly and correctly, then this situation and condition will undermine the regional cultural values, which are important in community life. Carrying capacity in general is the ability of a certain resource, in a certain space or place to support or support a certain activity, in a certain time with certain situations. Carrying capacity is dynamic, changes at any time can and go up and down, depending on the high level of social interaction on ongoing activity. Cultural carrying capacity refers to the ability of cultural values to regulate, and support all human activities in everyday life, which basically involves four things, namely (1) who meets with whom; (2) where is the meeting place; (3) what activity attributes involved and (4) what effect occurred. The objectives of this study were: (1) to identify the cultural values of the community; (2) to confirm the current cultural values of society; (3) to evaluate/conduct an assessment by implementing social values that can trigger socio-cultural dynamics, the continuum of social interactions such as: war, conflict, dissociation, conduciveness, association, cooperation, and productive collaboration; (4) to analyze the conditions of socio-cultural life in the community;(5) to design a model of cultural carrying capacity based on the results of the analysis of the socio-cultural life conditions of the community; (6) to validate the cultural carrying capacity model; and (7) to formulate a strategy for optimizing the cultural carrying capacity model. This research was conducted in the Bopunjur Ecotourism Area, Bogor Regency, West Java, an ecotourism area established by the central government (Kemenparekraf) through Presidential Decree no. 54/2008 which was later amended by Presidential Decree No. 60/2020 which sets Bopunjur to become a National Mainstay Tourist Destination Area, precisely in seven ecotourism destinations, namely Ciawi, Caringin, Cibogo, Cipayung, Megamendung, Cisarua, and Tugu. The selection of research locations was based on several considerations, namely: (1) the villages are categorized as traditional tourist villages located in three sub-districts: Ciawi, Megamendung, and Cisarua, (2) they have potential and diverse natural and cultural resources to be used as objects and ecotourism attraction, and (3) the research locations are located on the main routes of tourist crossings to the leading tourist attraction, Puncak Bogor. The research was carried out for ten months, starting from April 2021 to January 2022. Respondents consist of 7 groups, namely the government, NGOs, traditional leaders, religious leaders, education leaders, local communities, and tourism actors, of which each group consisting of 160 people based on informants and respondents with the proportion of 30 informants and 130 respondents. Based on the analysis of the respondents' performance index mapping on the istence of seven cultural elements, it can be concluded that religious leaders, community leaders, and NGOs are active detonators in socio-cultural changes in the community of the Bopunjur ecotourism area that allow the success of ecotourism development optimally because of the effectiveness of information dissemination and the high strength of their influence. The polarization of stakeholder orientation on social and cultural values has a positive direction with a polarization scale that is categorized as aligned so that there is a great opportunity to build collaboration between stakeholders in ecotourism development in the Bopunjur area. Basically, the polarization of stakeholder orientation on the cultural carrying capacity of the Bopunjur Ecotourism Area is related to the factor of the high differentiation of the stakeholder awareness system in managing the cultural carrying capacity, this is social capital in the creation of cultural carrying capacity. The cultural carrying capacity of the Bopunjur Ecotourism Area has not been fully achieved due to the polarization of perceptions of stakeholders on various aspects and assessment criteria. The polarization of stakeholder orientation regarding various aspects of cultural carrying capacity has a “medium” category (score close to 4). Socio-cultural values in the Bopunjur Ecotourism Area are strongly influenced by the Sundanese natives with various distinctive characteristics. The flow of tourism development does not make Bopunjur dissolve in the new socio- cultural values. Optimization of the cultural carrying capacity model can be obtained with the following strategies: first, revitalizing the core cultural values of the community by actively involving all stakeholders; secondly optimizing the use of ecotourism resources wisely while still prioritizing the three pillars of ecotourism, namely: socio-cultural, ecological and economic; third, optimizing the potential of local communities to be able to cooperate in the development of ecotourism in a measurable and sustainable manner. Keywords: Bopunjur Cultural Carrying Capacity, Interaction, Optimization model
Appears in Collections:DT - Multidiciplinary Program

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