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Title: Karakter Morfologi, Agronomi, Total Fenol dan Flavonoid Aksesi Legundi (Vitex trifolia L.) Asal Lamongan
Authors: Kurniawati, Ani
Faridah, Didah Nur
Nisa, Afifatun
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: IPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
Abstract: Legundi merupakan tanaman semak yang tumbuh di daerah tropis basah yang berasal dari Afrika Timur, Afrika Selatan, Asia, Australia, dan Asia Pasifik. Tanaman ini memiliki nama di beberapa daerah yaitu Langgundi (Minangkabau), Gandasari (Palembang), Lagundi (Melayu), Lagondi (Sunda), Legundi (Jawa Tengah), Langghundi (Madura), Galumi (Sumba), Sangan (Bima), Laura (Makassar), Lawarani (Bugis), untuk nama asingnya yaitu Man Jing Zi (China). Vitex trifolia umumnya tersebar di negara-negara Asia dan Vietnam. Legundi mengandung senyawa vitexicarpin (casticin) yang memiliki aktivitas antiproliferative dan apoptosis yang berkhasiat sebagai trakeoplasmotik. Tanaman legundi dari setiap lokasi yang berbeda merupakan aksesi lokal yang belum dideskripsikan secara morfologi. Permasalahan saat ini yakni informasi mengenai karakterisasi atau pendeskripsian legundi lokal belum ada sehingga perlu dilakukan penelitian potensi produksi dan kandungan senyawa bahan alam yang menjadi penciri kualitas hasil legundi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan karakter morfologi, agronomi dan menetapkan jenis aksesi dengan produksi daun tertinggi serta menetapkan kandungan total fenol dan flavonoid pada organ tanaman. Penelitian ini dilakukan dalam dua percobaan yakni pertama identifikasi karakter morfologi dan agronomi aksesi legundi. Kedua analisis kandungan total fenol dan flavonoid pada tiga organ tanaman. Penelitian dilaksanakan dari bulan Desember 2020 sampai bulan November 2021 di Kebun Percobaan Cikabayan IPB Dramaga dan analisis total fenol dan flavonoid dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Pasca Panen Fakultas Pertanian IPB Dramaga. Percobaan pertama menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok (RAK) satu faktor yaitu aksesi legundi. Lima aksesi yang dipakai berasal dari Lamongan yaitu Pucuk, Sekaran, Kedumpring, Modo dan Bluluk. Setiap perlakuan diulang sebanyak tiga kali sehingga terdapat 15 satuan percobaan setiap satuan percobaan terdiri dari tiga tanaman sampel. Data iklim selama penelitian sebagai berikut: curah hujan bulanan rata-rata adalah 365,91 mm, hari hujan bulanan rata-rata 16,28 mm, suhu minimal dan maksimal rata-rata 21,57℃ dan 30,75℃, kelembaban relatif udara adalah 80,57%, lama penyinaran 59,00 ss. Percobaan kedua dilakukan dengan menggunakan rancangan petak tersarang (RAK) 2 faktor, yaitu lima aksesi tanaman legundi (Pucuk, Sekaran, Kedumpring, Modo dan Bluluk) dan tiga jenis organ tanaman (Daun, Ranting, Buah), dimana organ tanaman tersarang pada aksesi. Perlakuan diulang sebanyak tiga kali, sehingga terdapat 45-unit percobaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan aksesi Pucuk, Sekaran, Kedumpring, Modo dan Bluluk memiliki karakter morfologi yang hampir sama, perbedaan karakter dari kelima aksesi hanya pada waktu mulai berbunga. Hasil analisis klaster didapatkan aksesi legundi berkelompok menjadi tiga. Pengelompokan terbagi berdasarkan karakter waktu mulai berbunga dengan jarak koefisien keragaman 0.78-1.00 %. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut aksesi Modo memiliki kekerabatan jauh dari aksesi Pucuk, Sekaran dan Kedumpring dengan koefisien kemiripan 0.80%. Aksesi Bluluk memiliki tinggi dan jumlah daun tertinggi namun tidak berbeda dengan aksesi Pucuk, Sekaran dan Kedumpring sedangkan aksesi modo paling rendah. Bobot basah tanaman, bobot kering tanaman aksesi Bluluk secara signifikan lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan lainnya sedangkan aksesi Modo signifikan lebih rendah dari aksesi lainnya. Total fenolik dan flavonoid tertinggi dalam Legundi terdapat pada daun yaitu 3210,57 mg GAE/100 g serbuk kering dan 1792,90 mg QE/100 g serbuk kering. Hasil analisis senyawa metabolit dengan GC-MS senyawa metabolit yang terdeteksi pada aksesi Pucuk (6), Sekaran (24), Kedumpring (23), Modo (21) dan Bluluk (23). Senyawa dengan kelimpahan tertinggi adalah Spiro [benzofuran-2 (3H), 1'- [3].1'- [3] cyclohexene]-2',3-dione,4',6,6'-trimethoxy-4-4 methyl-.
Legundi is a shrub plant that grows in the wet tropics originating from East Africa, South Africa, Asia, Australia and Asia Pacific. This plant has names in several areas, namely Langgundi (Minangkabau), Gandasari (Palembang), Lagundi (Malay), Lagondi (Sunda), Legundi (Central Java), Langghundi (Madura), Galumi (Sumba), Sangan (Bima), Laura (Makassar), Lawarani (Bugis), for the foreign name is Man Jing Zi (China). Vitex trifolia is generally spread in Asian countries and Vietnam. Legundi contains vitexicarpin (casticin), which has an antiproliferative and apoptotic activity which is efficacious as a tracheoplasmotic. Legundi plants from each different location are local accessions that have not been morphologically described. The current problem is that there is no information regarding the characterization or description of local legundi, so it is necessary to research the production potential and the content of natural ingredients which are characteristic of the quality of legundi products. This study aims to obtain morphological and agronomic characters and to, determine the type of accession with the highest leaf production and to determine the total phenol and flavonoid content in plant organs. This research was conducted in two experiments, namely the first identification of morphological and agronomic characters of legundi accession. The second analysis of total phenol and flavonoid content in three plant organs. The research was carried out from December 2020 to November 2021 at the Cikabayan Experimental Garden, IPB Dramaga, and analysis of total phenols and flavonoids was carried out at the Post-Harvest Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, IPB Dramaga. The first experiment used a one-factor randomized block design (RBD), namely the legundi accession. The five accessions used came from Lamongan, namely Pucuk, Sekaran, Kedumpring, Modo and Bluluk. Each treatment was repeated three times so that there were 15 experimental units, each experimental unit consisting of three sample plants. Climate data during the study is as follows: the average monthly rainfall is 365.91 mm, the average monthly rainy days are 16.28 mm, the average minimum and maximum temperature is 21.57 ℃ and 30.75 ℃, relative humidity is 80.57%, irradiation time is 59.00 ss. The second experiment was carried out using a 2-factor nested plot design (NPD), namely five accessions of legundi plants (Pucuk, Sekaran, Kedumpring, Modo and Bluluk) and three types of plant organs (leaves, twigs, fruits), where the plant organs were nested in the accessions. The treatment was repeated three times, so there were 45 experimental units. Fruit), in which plant organs are nested in accessions. The treatment was repeated three times, so there were 45 experimental units. Fruit), in which plant organs are nested in accessions. The treatment was repeated three times, so there were 45 experimental units. The results showed that the accessions Pucuk, Sekaran, Kedumpring, Modo and Bluluk had almost the same morphological characters, the difference in the characters of the five accessions was only when they started to flower. The results of cluster analysis showed that legundi accessions were grouped into three. The grouping was divided based on the time of flowering start with a coefficient of variation of 0.78-1.00%. Based on these results, the Modo accession is distantly related to the Pucuk, Sekaran and Kedumpring accessions with a similarity coefficient of 0.80%. Bluluk accession had the highest height and number of leaves but was not different from Pucuk, Sekaran and Kedumpring accession while modo accession had the lowest. Plant wet weight, the dry weight of Bluluk accession was significantly higher than the other accessions, while the Modo accession was significantly lower than the other accessions. The highest total phenolics and flavonoids in legundi were found in the leaves, namely 3210.57 mg GAE/100 g dry weight and 1792.90 mg QE/100 g dry weight. The results of the analysis of metabolites using GC-MS detected metabolites in Pucuk (6), Sekaran (24), Kedumpring (23), Modo (21) and Bluluk (23) accessions. The compound with the highest abundance was Spiro [benzofuran-2(3H), 1'- [3].1'- [3] cyclohexene]-2',3-dione,4',6,6'-trimethoxy-4-4 methyl-.
Appears in Collections:MT - Agriculture

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