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Title: Variabilitas Konsentrasi Klorofil-a dan Suhu Permukaan Laut di Laut Jawa Bagian Barat Menggunakan Data Satelit MODIS Terhadap Hasil Tangkapan Ikan
Other Titles: Variability of Chlorophyll-a Concentration and Sea Surface Temperature in the Western Java Sea Using MODIS Satellite Data on Fish Catches
Authors: Gaol, Jonson Lumban
Nababan, Bisman
Yuliyanti, Afifah Nanda
Issue Date: 27-Jan-2023
Publisher: Afifah Nanda Yuliyanti
Abstract: Konsentrasi klorofil-a (Chl-a) dan Suhu Permukaan Laut (SPL) adalah parameter penting yang berpengaruh terhadap keberadaan sumberdaya ikan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis variabilitas konsentrasi klorofil-a dan SPL dari satelit Moderate Resolution Maging Spectroradiometer (MODIS), serta hasil tangkapan ikan di Perairan Laut Jawa bagian barat. Selain itu data pendukung lainnya berupa El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO) bulanan dan Indeks Dipole Mode (DMI) bulanan juga digunakan dalam peneltiian ini. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Desember 2021-Juli 2022 di Perairan Laut Jawa bagian barat. Data SPL dan klorofil-a dianalisis berdasarkan data rata-rata bulanan dari hasil estimasi satelitMODIS selama 12 tahun (Januari 2010-Desember 2021). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan nilai konsentrasi klorofil-a berada dikisaran 0.42 mg/m³–1.55 mg/m³ yang mengalami peningkatan pada musim barat dan timur serta mengalami penurunan pada musim peralihan 1 dan 2. Nilai SPL berada dikisaran 29.05°C-30.71°C dan mengalami peningkatan saat musim peralihan 1 dan 2 yang dipengaruhi oleh peningkatan intensitas radiasi matahari dan pergerakkan massa air dari Timur Laut menuju Barat Daya. Variabilitas SPL dan klorofil-a memiliki kecenderungan terhadap hasil tangkapan ikan tembang di Perairan Laut Jawa bagian barat dan sekitarnya. Pada saat fenomena La Nina (ENSO Indeks positif) dan Dipole Mode Index bernilai negatif terjadi secara bersamaan, nilai klorofil-a relatif lebih tinggi dari normalnya dan nilai SPL relatif lebih rendah dari normalnya.
Concentration of chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) and sea surface temperature (SST) are important parameters that affect the existence of fish resources. The purpose of this study was to analyze the variability of chlorophyll-a concentrations and SST from the Moderate Resolution Maging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) satellite, as well as fish catches in the western Java Sea. In addition, other supporting data in the form of monthly El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and monthly Dipole Mode Index (DMI) are also used in this study. This research was carried out in December 2021-July 2022 in the western part of the Java Sea. SST and chlorophyll-a data were analyzed based on monthly average data from the estimation results of the MODIS satellite for 12 years (January 2010-December 2021). The results showed that the concentration of chlorophyll-a was in the range of 0.42 mg/m³–1.55 mg/m³ which increased in the west and east monsoons and decreased in transition seasons 1 and 2. SST values were in the range of 29.05°C-30.71°C and experienced increase during transitional seasons 1 and 2 which are influenced by increased intensity of solar radiation and movement of water masses from the Northeast to the Southwest. The variability of SST and chlorophyll-a has a tendency to catch tembang fish in the western Java Sea and its surroundings. When the La Nina phenomenon (positive ENSO Index) and negative Dipole Mode Index occur simultaneously, the chlorophyll-a value is relatively higher than normal and the SST value is relatively lower than normal.
Appears in Collections:UT - Marine Science And Technology

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