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dc.contributor.advisorWidajati, Eny-
dc.contributor.advisorPalupi, Endah Retno-
dc.contributor.advisorIlyas, Satriyas-
dc.contributor.advisorBudi, Sri Wilarso-
dc.contributor.authorFridayanti, Nelly-
dc.description.abstractRotan jernang termasuk hasil hutan bukan kayu, bernilai ekonomi tinggi dan dapat digunakan sebagai bahan baku obat-obatan, pewarna, dan bahan kosmetik. Resin jernang kualitas tinggi diperoleh dari buah yang masih muda. Rotan jernang belum dibudidayakan secara intensif dan pemanfaatan rotan jernang masih berasal dari hutan atau habitat alami. Pemanenan secara terus menerus tanpa ada upaya pelestarian menyebabkan populasi rotan jernang di habitat alami berkurang. Pemanenan buah muda untuk mendapatkan resin kualitas tinggi juga menjadi masalah dalam ketersediaan benih karena buah untuk sumber benih berkurang. Salah satu upaya yang dapat dilakukan untuk menjaga kelestarian populasi rotan jernang adalah membudidayakan dengan menggunakan benih yang bermutu tinggi. Viabilitas dan vigor benih maksimum dicapai pada saat masak fisiologi. Titik masak fisiologi sangat berhubungan dengan waktu panen. Informasi mengenai saat masak fisiologi dapat diperoleh melalui penelitian fenologi pembungaan, pembentukan buah dan perkembangan benih. Rotan jernang termasuk famili Arecaceae. Benih dari famili tersebut umumnya memiliki perkecambahan dan pertumbuhan tidak seragam sehingga perlu diteliti perlakuan yang dapat mempercepat perkecambahan benih rotan jernang. Informasi mengenai teknik penanganan benih rotan jernang untuk mempertahankan mutu benih sangat dibutuhkan. Dari beberapa permasalahan diatas perlu dilakukan serangkaian penelitian untuk mendukung ketersedian benih rotan jernang secara kontinyu. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dari bulan September 2018 sampai dengan Oktober 2021. Penelitian karakter morfologi rotan jernang, dan penelitian biologi pembungaan dan perkembangan buah dan benih rotan jernang dilaksanakan di Desa Pante Bahagia, Kecamatan Sawang, Kabupaten Aceh Utara, Provinsi Aceh. Perkecambahan dan pengembangan metode uji mutu benih rotan jernang dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Penyimpanan dan Pengujian mutu benih dan Screen house Leuwikopo. Pemotretan struktur benih dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Mikroteknik Departemen Agronomi dan Hortikultura Institut Pertanian Bogor. Analisis hormon dilakukan dengan metode HPLC di PT. Biodiversitas Bioteknologi Indonesia. Analisis komposisi kimia benih dilakukan di Pusat Penelitian Sumberdaya Hayati dan Bioteknologi, Lembaga Penelitian dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat, Institut Pertanian Bogor. Karakter morfologi rotan jernang yang diamati terdiri atas karakter vegetatif dan generatif. Biologi pembungaan dan perkembangan benih yang diamati adalah morfologi bunga, fase inflorescence, fase bunga mekar, berbunga, fase perkembangan buah dan pemasakan benih berdasarkan Biologische Bundesantalt Bundessortenamt and Chemiche Industrie. Mutu benih yang diamati yaitu indeks vigor, kecepatan tumbuh, daya berkecambah, kecepatan muncul tangkai kotiledon, dan daya hantar listrik. Analisis hormon dan komposisi kimia benih yang dilakukan adalah hormon asam absisat (ABA), giberelin (GA) dan sitokinin, karbohidrat, protein, lemak, pati, kadar air, abu, serat kasar. Karakter morfologi yaitu karakter vegetatif batang dan tangkai daun berwarna kuning, hijau, pelepah daun mempunyai lutut daun. Daun prophil berwarna coklat, merah kecoklatan, dan hijau. Susunan duri teratur, tidak teratur, rapat dan tidak rapat. Fase bibit daun berbentuk seperti tapak jari mempunyai empat, lima, dan enam belahan daun muda. Karakter generatif, morfologi bunga jantan dan betina berbeda. Buah dan benih berbentuk bulat dan lonjong. Benih bulat bentuk raphe jelas dan benih lonjong bentuk raphe tidak jelas. Fase inflorescence individu jantan berlangsung sekitar 136,4 ±10,9 hari dan individu betina 141,6 ±16,4 hari. Gugur buah sebagian besar terjadi pada enam bulan pertama perkembangan buah dan seed set terakhir adalah 56%. Masak fisiologi umur 22 BSA, yaitu pada saat benih mencapai viabilitas dan vigor maksimum (daya berkecambah, indeks vigor, kecepatan tumbuh dan bobot kering benih). Benih dikategorikan berkecambah apabila tangkai kotiledon ±1mm menembus kulit benih. Proses perkecambahan benih rotan jernang adalah terbentuk tangkai kotiledon, kotiledon ligule, akar, dan daun. Kriteria kecambah normal yaitu panjang plumula minimum 15 mm, akar berkembang dengan sempurna yaitu terdapat akar primer dan akar sekunder. Hitungan pertama dan hitungan terakhir uji daya berkecambah benih dengan operkulum adalah 72 dan 104 hari setelah tanam, sedangkan pada benih tanpa operkulum lebih cepat yaitu 58 dan 70 hari setelah tanam. Operkulum adalah struktur pada benih rotan jernang yang menghambat perkecambahan. Benih tanpa operkulum menghasilkan nilai indeks vigor (95,6%), kecepatan tumbuh (1,7%KN/hari), kecepatan muncul tangkai kotiledon (10,1%TK/hari), daya berkecambah (74,8%), dan potensi tumbuh maksimum (100%). Media pasir dan cocopeat menghasilkan hasil uji yang sama untuk pengujian viabilitas benih. Kadar air kritikal pengeringan cepat selama 12 jam adalah 23,6% dengan daya berkecambah 48,9%. Kadar air kritikal pengeringan lambat selama dua hari adalah 21,8% dan daya berkecambah 46,7%. A non-timber forest product with high economic worth and potential for usage as a raw material for medicines, colors, and cosmetic compounds is jernang rattan. High quality of resin is obtained from young fruits. The jernang rattan has not been cultivated intensively and the utilization of the jernang rattan still comes from forest or natural habitats. Continuous harvesting without conservation efforts cause the jernang rattan population in its natural habitat to decrease. Harvesting young fruit to obtain high quality resin is also a problem in terms of seed availability because fruit for seed sources is reduced. One of the efforts that can be made to preserve the jernang rattan population is to cultivate it using high quality seeds. Maximum seed viability and vigor are achieved at the physiological maturity. Physiological maturity is closely related to harvest time. Information regarding physiological maturity can be obtained through research on flowering phenology, fruit, and seed development. Jernang rattan belongs to the Arecaceae family. Seeds from this family generally have non-uniform germination and growth, so it is necessary to study treatments that can accelerate the germination of jernang rattan seeds. Information on techniques for handling jernang rattan seeds to maintain seed quality is urgently needed. Based on the problems above, it is necessary to carry out a series of studies to support the continuous availability of jernang rattan seeds. The study of the jernang rattan morphology, biology of flowering, and the development of jernang rattan seeds were conducted between September 2018 and October 2021 in Pante Bahagia Village, Sawang District, North Aceh Regency, Aceh Province. Seed quality testing was conducted at the Seed Storage and Quality Seed Laboratory and screen house Leuwikopo. The seed structures were taken at the Microtechnic Laboratory Department of Agronomy and Horticulture, Bogor Agricultural University, and the hormones were analyzed using HPLC at PT. Biodiversity Biotechnology Indonesia. Seeds chemical composition was analyzed at the Center for Biological Resources and Biotechnology Research, Institute for Research and Community Empowerment, Bogor Agricultural University. The Center for Biological Resources and Biotechnology Research, Institute for Research and Community Empowerment, Bogor Agricultural University examined the chemical composition of seeds. The flower morphology, inflorescence stages, blooming stages, fruit development phase, and seed maturity were observed according to the Biologische Bundesantalt Bundessortenamt and Chemiche Industrie. The vigor index, speed of germination, seed germination, speed of emergence of the cotyledonary petiole, and electrical conductivity are used to evaluate the seed quality. Abscisic acid hormones (ABA), gibberellin (GA), and cytokinins were identified in the hormonal study, along with carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, starch, moisture content, ash, and crude fiber. Morphological characters, namely the vegetative character of the stem and petiole, are yellow and green, and the leaf midrib has leaf knees. The leaves of the profile are brown, red-brown, and green. The arrangement of spines is regular, irregular, tight, and not tight. The leaf seedling stage is shaped like a fingerprint and has four, five, and six young leaf sections. Generative characters and morphology of male and female flowers are different. Fruits and seeds are round and oval. The round seeds of the raphe shape are clear, and the oval seeds of the raphe shape are unclear. The inflorescence stages of male flower last about 136.4 ± 10.9 days, and for female flower, 141.6 ± 16.4 days. Most fruit abortions occurred in the first six months of fruit development; the last seed set was 56%. The physiological maturity of 22 MAA, when the seeds reach maximum viability and vigor (germination capacity, vigor index, growth rate, and seed dry weight). Seeds are categorized as germinated when the cotyledonary petiole ±1mm penetrates the seed coat. The germination process of jernang rattan seeds begins with the formation of cotyledonary petiole. Followed by cotyledonary ligule, roots, and leaves formation. The criteria for normal seedling are the minimum plumule length of 15 mm. The roots are fully developed; namely, there are primary and secondary roots. The first and final count for seed germination tests were 72 and 104 days after planting, seed without operculum were faster, namely 58 and 70 days after planting. The operculum is an inhibitor for jernang rattan seed germination. Seeds without operculum produced the best values on the vigor index (95.6%), speed of germination (1.7%NS/day), speed of emergence of the cotyledonary petiole (10.1%CP/day), seed germination (74.8%), and maximal growth potential (100%). Sand and cocopeat media produced the same results for testing seed viability. The critical water content of fast drying for 12 hours was 23.6% with a germination rate of 48.9%. The critical water content of slow drying for two days was 21.8% and the germination rate was
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)id
dc.titleBiologi Pembungaan dan Perkembangan Benih, Perkecambahan, dan Pengembangan Metode Uji Mutu Benih Rotan Jernang (Daemonorops spp.)id
dc.title.alternativeBiology of Flowering and Seed Development, Germination, and Development of Seed Quality Tests of Jernang Rattan (Daemonorops spp.)id
dc.subject.keywordfenologi pembungaanid
dc.subject.keywordkadar air kritikalid
dc.subject.keywordmorfologi tanamanid
dc.subject.keywordCritical water contentid
dc.subject.keywordflowering phenologyid
dc.subject.keywordplant morphologyid
Appears in Collections:DT - Agriculture

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