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Title: Identifikasi Penyakit Tanaman Aroid (Araceae) dan Pengaruh Agens Hayati terhadap Pertumbuhan Alocasia macrorrhiza variegate
Other Titles: Identification of Aroid Plant Diseases (Araceae) and The Effect of Biological Agents on The Growth Alocasia macrorrhiza variegate
Authors: Giyanto, Giyanto
Tondok, Efi Toding
Tiovany, Tiovany
Issue Date: 25-Jan-2023
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Tanaman aroid merupakan tanaman dari famili Araceae dan termasuk tanaman hortikultura yang bernilai ekonomis tinggi. Pada tahun 2021 Kementerian Pertanian melaporkan nilai ekspor tanaman hias aroid seperti Alocasia mencapai 16,9 ribu batang dengan perkiraan nilai ekonomi Rp 1,6 miliar. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui informasi penyakit pada tanaman aroid serta pengaruh aplikasi agens hayati terhadap pertumbuhan tanaman Alocasia macrorrhiza variegate. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Februari sampai Juli 2022. Pengamatan penyakit dilakukan dengan mengamati tanaman pada rak populasi tanpa tanaman pinggir dan menghitung kejadian penyakit dan kerusakan penyakit. Deteksi dan identifikasi penyakit di laboratorium diperoleh 6 patogen dari kelompok cendawan. Patogen yang ditemukan adalah Colletotrichum sp. (antraknosa daun), Bipolaris sp., Helminthosporium sp., dan Cercospora sp. (bercak daun), Fusarium sp. (hawar daun), dan Puccinia sp. (karat daun). Pengaruh agens hayati terhadap pertumbuhan tanaman Alocasia macrorrhiza variegate dilakukan dengan 5 perlakuan, 3 ulangan, dan 10 tanaman per perlakuan. Hasil terbaik adalah perlakuan A3 (Trichoderma 30 g) pada setiap indikator dan perlakuan terendah pada A0 (Kontrol).
Aroid plants are plants of the Araceae family and include horticultural plants with high economic value. In 2021 The Ministry of Agriculture reported that the export value of aroid ornamental plants such as Alocasia reached 16.9 thousand stems with an estimated economic value of Rp 1,6 billion. This study aims to determine information diseases in aroid plants and the effect of application the biological agents on plant growth of Alocasia macrorrhiza variegate. The study was conducted from February to July 2022. Disease observation was carried out by observing plants on population shelves without edge crops and calculating the incidence of disease and disease damage. Detection and identification of disease in the laboratory obtained 6 pathogens of the fungus group. The pathogen found was Colletotrichum sp. (leaf anthracnose), Bipolaris sp., Helminthosporium sp., and Cercospora sp. (leaf spot), Fusarium sp. (leaf blight), and Puccinia sp. (leaf rust). The effect of biological agents on growth in Alocasia macrorrhiza variegate plants was carried out with 5 treatments, 3 replications, and 10 plants per treatment. The best result was A3 treatment (Trichoderma 30 g) on each observation indicator and the lowest yield was in treatment A0 (Control).
Appears in Collections:UT - Plant Protection

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