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Title: Optimisasi Ekstrak Kulit Pisang Kepok (Musa paradisiaca L.) sebagai Bahan Antioksidan
Other Titles: Optimization of Kepok Banana Peel Extract (Musa paradisiaca L.) as an Antioxidant Ingredient
Authors: Ilmiawati, Auliya
Batubara, Irmanida
Syafika, Farah Naely
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Limbah kulit pisang kepok (Musa paradisiaca) yang berpotensi sebagai antioksidan belum dimanfaatkan secara optimum. Penelitian ini bertujuan menentukan kondisi optimum maserasi kulit pisang kepok berdasarkan nisbah sampel:pelarut, konsentrasi pelarut, dan waktu maserasi menggunakan metode permukaan respons desain Box-Behnken untuk menghasilkan bahan antioksidan terbaik. Waktu maserasi merupakan variabel yang paling memengaruhi kapasitas antioksidan, kandungan fenolik dan flavonoid total dengan nilai p terkecil (<0,05) berdasarkan uji statistik Anova. Sementara itu, konsentrasi etanol merupakan variabel yang paling memengaruhi rendemen. Kondisi optimum ekstrak kulit pisang kepok berdasarkan analisis metode permukaan respons ialah kombinasi variabel nisbah sampel:pelarut 1:8,1, konsentrasi pelarut 72,9%, dan waktu maserasi 28,7 jam, dengan nilai prediksi respon, yaitu rendemen 33,9%, kapasitas antioksidan 6,9 AAE/g ekstrak, kandungan fenolik total 13,5 mg GAE/g ekstrak, dan kandungan flavonoid total 20,1 mg QE/g ekstrak.
Kepok banana peel waste (Musa paradisiaca), which has the potential to be an antioxidant has yet to be optimally utilized. Thus, this study aims to determine the optimum condition of maceration of banana peels based on the samples:solvent ratio, solvent concentration, and maceration time using the Box-Behnken design response surface method to produce the best antioxidant ingredients. The maceration time was the variable that most affects antioxidant capacity, phenolic content, and total flavonoids, with the lowest p-value (<0.05) based on Anova statistical tests. Meanwhile, ethanol concentration was the variable that most affects the yield. Therefore, the optimum condition of banana peel extract based on the analysis of the response surface method was a combination of variable sample:solvent ratio of 1: 8.1, solvent concentration 72.9%, and maceration time of 28.7 hours, with a predicted response value, namely yield of 33.9%, the antioxidant capacity of 6.9 AAE/g extract, total phenolic content of 13.5 mg GAE/g extract, and total flavonoid content of 20.1 mg QE/g extract.
Appears in Collections:UT - Chemistry

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