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Title: Pemanfaatan Masker Whey Fermentasi Susu Kambing dengan Penambahan Madu dan Buah Merah (Pandanus conoideus L.) sebagai Agen Antioksidan
Other Titles: The Utility of Fermented Goat’s Milk Whey Mask with the Addition of Honey and Red Fruit as an Antioxidant Agent
Authors: Arief, Irma Isnafia
Soenarno, Mochammad Sriduresta
Pratiwi, Yulia Yasmin
Issue Date: 10-Jan-2023
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Pemanfaatan whey susu kambing banyak digunakan untuk produk non pangan seperti bahan dasar masker wajah difermentasikan dengan bakteri asam laktat Lactobacillus plantarum IIA-1A5 dan Lactobacillus bulgaricus. Penambahan bahan aktif lain seperti madu dan buah merah dilakukan untuk meningkatkan efektivitas masker whey dan juga sebagai inovasi produk berbahan alami pada kosmetik. Penelitian yang dilakukan terkait penambahan madu dan buah merah pada whey sudah banyak dilakukan, namun belum banyak digunakan untuk produk non pangan seperti masker wajah. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan formulasi masker whey asal susu kambing, madu, dan buah merah sehingga didapatkan rasio perbandingan whey dan madu yang tepat, mengetahui efektifitas masker terhadap sifat antioksidan, serta menghasilkan masker whey asal susu kambing yang memenuhi standar keamanan. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan dua faktor yaitu konsentrasi penambahan whey fermentasi dan madu pada 2 taraf yaitu 5% dan 10% dan penambahan jenis bakteri berbeda dengan 4 perlakuan yaitu whey kontrol, whey dengan penambahan Lactobacillus plantarum IIA-1A5, whey dengan penambahan Lactobacillus bulgaricus, dan whey dengan penambahan Lactobacillus plantarum IIA-1A5 ditambah dengan Lactobacillus bulgaricus. Penelitian ini diawali dengan persiapan kultur bakteri asam laktat, pembuatan whey fermentasi, dan penentuan formulasi masker. Penelitian dilanjutkan dengan pengamatan terhadap nilai pH, aktivitas air (aw), daya sebar, lama waktu mengering, organoleptik dan antioksidan. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa penambahan madu 10% lebih efektif dalam meningkatkan kualitas masker karena menghasilkan nilai yang lebih baik berdasarkan pH, aktivitas air (aw), daya sebar, lama waktu mengering, dan aktivitas antioksidannya. Hal tersebut dibuktikan dengan nilai pH masker whey fermentasi dengan penambahan madu 10% memiliki nilai yang paling mendekati pH kulit yaitu 6,71-7,48, nilai aktivitas air masker whey fermentasi dengan penambahan madu 10% juga memiliki rentang antara 0,670-0,751 lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan penambahan madu 5%, hasil uji daya sebar masker whey fermentasi dengan penambahan madu 10% menunjukkan nilai diameter yang lebih tinggi berkisar antara 4,47-5,20 cm, dan nilai kapasitas inhibisi antioksidan masker dengan penambahan madu 10% lebih tinggi dibandingkan penambahan madu 5% yaitu berkisar antara 33-47%. Pengujian organoleptik pada masker baik dengan penambahan madu 5% maupun 10% tidak menunjukkan hasil yang jauh berbeda dan daya terima panelis terhadap sediaan masker cukup tinggi.
Goat’s milk whey now can be used as non-food products such as ingredients for facial masks by fermenting them using Lactobacillus plantarum IIA-1A5 and Lactobacillus bulgaricus as lactic acid bacteria. Honey and red fruits as other active ingredients is added to increase the effectiveness of whey masks and also as an innovation for natural-based products in cosmetics. Much research has been conducted regarding the addition of honey and red fruit to whey, but it has not been much used for non-food products such as face masks. The purpose of this study was to obtained whey mask formulations from goat’s milk, honey, and red fruit in order to find the right ratio of whey and honey, determine the effectiveness of masks on antioxidant properties, and produce whey masks from goat’s milk with safety standards. This study used a completely randomized design (CRD) with two factors, namely the concentration of the addition of whey and honey at 2 levels, namely 5% and 10% and the addtion of different lactic acid bacterias with 4 treatments, namely control whey, whey with the addition of Lactobacillus plantarum IIA-1A5, whey with the addition of Lactobacillus bulgaricus, and whey with addition of Lactobacillus plantarum IIA-1A5 plus Lactobacillus bulgaricus. This research began with the preparation of lactic acid bacteria culture, the manufacture of whey fermentedThe research was continued by observing the pH value, water activity (aw), dispersive ability, drying time, organoleptic and antioxidants. The results showed masks with the addition of 10% honey were more effective in improving the quality of the masks because they produced better values based on pH, water activity (aw), spreadability, drying time, and the antioxidants activity. This is evidenced by the pH value of the fermented whey mask with the addition of 10% honey which has a value that is closest to the pH of the skin, namely 6,71-7,48, the water activity value of the fermented whey mask with the addition of 10% honey also has a range between 0,670-0,751 which is lower than that of the addition of honey. 5%, the spreadability test results of fermented whey masks with the addition of 10% honey showed higher diameter values ranging from 4,47-5,20 cm, and the antioxidant inhibition capacity values of masks with the addition of 10% honey were higher than the addition of 5% honey, which ranged from 33-47%. Organoleptic tests on masks with the addition of 5% and 10% honey did not show much different results and the panelists' acceptance of the mask preparations was quite high.
Appears in Collections:MT - Animal Science

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